November 21, 2008

Makes my smiley faces look pretty sad. Very pretty lunchbag art.
  • My Mom never loved me that much. :(
  • Show offs.
  • This is pure, distilled, 100% awesome.
  • Awesome? Maybe. But maybe not. See, this starts small. Dad makes bag for daughter. People like it. Then son says "Hey dad, why don't you make a bag for me?" Jealous. So dad makes a bag for him. Then people start asking. Do another one! That was cool. Can you make one with X on it? Pretty soon he's up to two bags a day, every day, to keep the lunchroom entertained. Then it stops being fun. It starts to be a chore. But he can't stop - oh, no, he can't, it's become an obsession now - and still the requests come pouring in. Then slowly the requests start to be more insistent. Soon they are orders. Then they're demands. His soul withers, but his colored pencils and crayons continue their waxy scrawl across the rough surface of the brown paper bags. He sighs. Rubs his red, bleary eyes. The world blurs, and he forces himself to focus again, to add the little details that make the character perfect, to finish this one last homage to childhood icons, even though he knows they are not for his children, because his kids don't even recognize them: They are for him, soothing balm for his tortured soul. He knows in his heart that they simply glance, then tear to get at their lunches. His work is all for naught, a fleeting and ultimately futile attempt to recapture his own childhood innocence. Another heavy black line. One last touch of color. Done. He stares at the happy image he has birthed upon the lunchbag. It stares back, glassy-eyed, unseeing, unfeeling. He looks at it, but all he can see is blank, brown paper, stretching away to infinity. Again he sighs. Slowly his hands move of their own volition towards the colored pencils. So much paper to fill. So much paper.
  • Like Zorro.
  • The lesson is: never try.
  • 100% pure target material for the bullies. Wasn't there another thread that was almost the same as this, but the dad had all these sappy anecdotes? That aside, those 'r some kicky ass lunch bags!
  • Yeah, well, I had HOT SPAGHETTI-OS in a THERMOS!
  • *sighs* My spaghetti-os were always cold...
  • I am never going to feel adequate again.
  • Monkeyfilter: I am never going to feel adequate again.
  • and suddenly I don't know what to say...