November 21, 2008
Like we did last winter...
Let's gift again, like we did last year (not).
So, the Elfster group is still up, and I have a hankering to give presents. How about it, fellow monkeys? Shall we try for it?
I think I still have CDs to mix and send out, so probably not...
there's a certain 'bashi who still owes me a CD....
Yes, yes. It still pops up in my memory now and then with a twinge of guilt. I have not forgotten!
oh, well, that's all right, then.
How about we send and receive two gifts? The odds are better you'll get something you like, and the occasional lump of coal comes with a consolation prize!
Erm... I don't want to step on any toes, but I'd like to make a suggestion. I will put together up to 10 gift packs and 5 CDs, and send them out on behalf of everyone who's behind on their swaps. All the potential giver has to do is send me an email, telling me who I should send the gift on to. And a Christmas card. I'm thinking of this more as a jumpstart for a stalled venture. I know lots of us don't have the time, and sometimes the money to send out swaps that we were so excited to be parts of. If we're able to wipe the slate clean, so to speak, we may be able to move on to bigger, better things (like more gift swaps and CD exchanges!). As I said, I don't mean to offend anyone by this offer. I don't think any less of anyone who has fallen behind. I know fully well (looking at my junkheap of a desk) what falling behind on things and stuff you want to do, month after month, feels like. I just want to help with the clearing up of old obligations, so that we can all move along with clear consciences. I making sense?
No. But I appreciate the effort.
sounds like it would clear up *your* conscience tho, which, as far as i know, needs no clearing up whatsoever. but, 'bashi's been busy and all, and it would probably be helpful for her... what we really need is some sort of big virtual hat, and then a big, really well organized trip to teh mall.
Oi! Stop talking about me!
It doesn't involve me at all (since I never signed up for exchanges), but I just want to say I was really touched by that offer, Neddy.
TUM, I didn't sign up either, because of that very issue. I'm not going to sign up this year, because of that very issue. I will, however, telepathically send each and every one of you the bestest wishes for the happiest season evar, and my hopes that you all get more Monkey Nuts then you know what to do with. And 'Nedra, YOU are the BEST. One of the most thoughtful monkeys in the MonkyHauz! When the Lord was passing out hearts, 'Nedra got in line more than once! (and when (S)he was passing out common sense, kit hid behind the door)
I went through 3 CD exchanges, and surprisingly, everyone followed through. The funny one was when this long-time lurker joined the exchange. No one had ever heard of him, but he was quite "gung ho". Something happened to him, health-wise, and he was in the hospital (at the time, no one in the exchange group was aware of this), but a month later, he followed through and sent everyone a kick-ass mix! That was the last I heard of him. Does that make you who never sent your mixes feel guilty? Baaah! Shame on you!! My favorite mix was from mandyman... hot diggity! Fes threw down some great mixes too... Where does that leave me? I'm up for some gifting action if this materializes. *rubs Neddy's head for good luck*
Yeah, I was going to work on the CDs over Christmas, on the firmly held conviction that it was never specified which January 17th they had to be out by.
I'm with the Capt. I really have no excuse right now, except that I don't have iTunes on this computer, nor the HD space for it. But then I remembered that I installed it just recently to burn a CD for a classmate... so, um. Neddy, I think you are wonderful, and I don't want you spending your time and money making me feel less guilty (because I'd only feel more guilty). Go buy yourself something nice instead, would you?
i second that, heartily, Neddy. Or that you go have a nice cuppa. :)
I will send each of Mofi's 11,111 members a freshly burned copy of the newest and bestest Christmas CD ever: Trig Palin - From the Heart. What the kid does with Have a Holly Jolly Christmas will simply take your breath away.
I will join. Can't moderate, either, though. I'm still disappointed from 2 years ago, when my recipient never let me know if gift was received or not and/or liked/hated/burned. But I'll open up my poor, battered heart for another go.
I will also join. Last year's Santa Swap was great. And I will also send out my last batch of CDs (I managed fine for the first swap, then somehow was TEH FAIL on the second... endless apologies to everyone who is still patiently waiting actually, I put it down to performance anxiety. I wanted to make them really brill with proper artwork and whatnot and then my printer broke and I couldn't figure how to make the covers and then it all just ... stopped. the finished products may not be as splendid as I might wish them to be, but I will send them anyway And Neddy, you are the best. *hugs neddy lots*
I'll join. I'm mixing CDs tonight, too. So there, queso. :p
I dreamed about our lovely 'bashi the other morning. Nice tits.
How can you talk about the dearly departed Turkmenbashi like that?
He was lovely. I like to remember him the way I knew him.
Queso, if she's only getting around to making the mix now, imagine how long it'll be before she gets around to burning them! ;)
They's burned! Now I have to attach the covers to them. If I put in some kind of sweetener to make up for lateness, they'll be even later. So I think I'll send them as is. Tomorrow.
It's probably for the best trac... sugar, sweet n' low, splenda and all those other sweeteners will just scratch up the disk.
Well, that makes four of us at least (sugarmilktea, Lara, mothninja and me), which will at least make for a slightly effective Secret Santa (^_^) (dunno why I keep typing Secret Satan!) Let's leave this open till, say, end of this week (29th?) and see if anyone else might be tempted to join! I will try to moderate, maybe set up another Elfster group this weekend. *gets back to Nanowrimo for the time being*
Secret Satan would be mad fun.
Alnedra, please count me in! I really enjoyed moficdx 7 a year ago. Waxboy, Koko and Queso sent out 3 very different, very cool discs that I have listened to AT LEAST a dozen times each. Capt. & Tracicle, I promise to put your mixes in heavy rotation too. ;) So based on that positive experience I would love to do the gift exchange.
I created a new group in Elfster. Here's the sign-up link. Sign-up deadline is 7th December and I've put the deadline for sending out on 17th December (although that may mean some of us are gonna get the presents late; is that ok?).
Also, for those who are a little short of cash or time, how about we resurrect this old thing? We each send a letter/Christmas card/postcard to one or two other persons, round robin style. Innerested? Hmmm?
Wheee signed up! Thanks for organising, Miss Neddy!
Whooo! I'm signed up as well. Thanks, Neddy!
Signed up. Thanks Alnedra! Merry Monkeymas!
Crap, checked back too late.
Capt. & Tracicle, I promise to put your mixes in heavy rotation too. ;) If it counts, I think about the mix CD quite a bit. After a year, I've almost finalized the concept.
Now the hard part. Picking the bestest gift ever. Or something not completely fail, anyway.
Goodness, I haven't logged into my elfster for a good week! I'm behind!! Not to worry, I will pull through!!
Hah! I think I have picked the bestest gift ever. Well, I like it anyways...
My gift arrived today!!! I wasn't expecting it so soon - - - lo and behold, a most fine pair of black TOE SOCKS arrived! Being a toe sock virgin, I wasn't quite sure what to expect - - but my feet are singing glory almighty today! Sure, they look a bit funny... (Mrs. SMT said, "get away from me when you're wearing those things!") Nah, I don't give in so easily - - I've had them on all day and they're not coming off - well, not until I take a shower I suppose... Thanks, Santa Neddy!!! *gives Secret Santa a big 'ol hug* *wiggles toes and smirks in delight*
I love toe socks! I have a pair with each toe a different color that I adore. I have to finish my gift and get it out ASAP!
I love toe socks too! I have a blue and purple striped pair with monkeys on the feet and a banana on each toe, given to me by #2's mother, who knows about my monkey-driven soul.
In the mail! Wheee! Also, in CD swap related-news OMFG only a year late and I'M ACTUALLY BURNING THE GODDAM CDS!! *hangs head in procrastinatory shame, apologises profusely to the Odd Group* Do not give up hope! Much like previous swaps, it's a mix of European music sung in languages other than English. Yay for exporting culture. I'm making a bunch of 'em so if anyone not part of the swap wants one, just send me an email with your addy at anna AT mothninja DOT com and I will more than gladly send one over to you. Happy holidays! cross-posted to CDX thread
I would like to take a little space here and thank Neddy for getting this set up this year, it was really fun! And also, thank you to Tracicle for giving us the forum, but mostly thanks to es el Queso- who drew my name in the secret santa. Monkeys, I received a framed photo that Cheese took of a beach, with San Francisco in the mist/fog in the background. Since I live in the midwest, and was locked in a deep-freeze all that week, it was a perfect gift. Also, every piece of art on my home office wall is autographed- personalized if possible and Queso wrote a nice inscription on the bottom so I could include it in my small collection. It was hung that evening, and makes me smile every time I see it. Really classy EEQ, thanks again. Also, mothy... I would LOVE a copy of your moficdx if you still have one handy!
It wasn't any trouble at all (^_^) just a few minutes setting up in Elfster, and everything else was automatic. I got a beautiful set of gifts from lovely mothninja!
The card is a reproduction of an oil painting of Mischa. Yaay!
Thanks, Neddy! It was fun going through this exchange. Hopefully everyone got something spectacular! *wiggles toes*