November 19, 2008

Yugo sputter and smoke off into the sunset 800K specimens later, they're finally being put out to pasture. "This is driving in its most natural form. You feel every bump, squeak and jolt, and one can enjoy the sweet smell of gasoline and exhaust fumes. No car can replace it." Fiat are going to make Puntos on the production line now.
  • Moonlighting was such a good show, wasn't it? At least until they finally slept together...
  • Sorry, Queso. Didn't mean to kill your FPP there. Perhaps the Yugo-Moonlighting connection is stronger in my head than in reality.
  • Many things are, Capn., we've all learned not to take it too personally :)
  • I had no idea that they were still producing Yugos. Bizarre. My brother's first car was a beige Yugo in 1986. I don't know how that thing made it through its first South Dakota winter - but somehow it did (a lot of the interior parts cracked, or broke off). Puntos? Sounds like something that can be kicked around...
  • Punto? That's a Mexican whor... Wait. No. Never mind.
  • I miss the Chevette. Nice little no-frills, no-nonsense car, surefooted as a mountain goat.
  • TUM, my high school girlfriend drove a brown "Shit-vette" - and when it died, her parents bought her a yellow Yugo. With a sunroof! (Sunroof leaked - when it rained, I had to put my index finger up against it, so that the drops ran down my arm and off my elbow, rather than dripping straight onto my head.) I might be confused on the order, but she did have both. High school girlfriend... Man, did I ever like her. Good damn thing she ended up marrying me, right?