November 19, 2008

Monopoly: The Movie. Ridley Scott is set to direct. (Yes, that Sir Ridley Scott.) Enh -- it's been done.
  • Mmmyeah, but at least Clue had a vague pre-made plot device and characters and stuff. This? A top hat and a boot going straight to jail without passing GO and collecting £200 and then living wealthily ever after on all the Purple Tiles? Not so much. *shakes fist at everyone who won't buy her screenplay and make this kind of nonsense instead*
  • Actually, that 'Scenario 4' doesn't sound that bad...
  • Wait -- mothy wrote a screenplay, but she wouldn't join me and Papa Pleg and Neddy and mechagrue in this Nanowrimo silliness? The hell?
  • Yeah, mothy, you could have just done a novelization of your screenplay! As far as the Monopoly article goes, the only worthwhile idea is the brilliant casting of Mickey Rooney as Uncle Pennybags. They could do a pr0n flick involving the Water Works, B&O S&M Railroad, and the Community Chest. And still have Mickey Rooney as Uncle Pennybags.
  • Meh. I'm holding out for "Go Fish: The Movie"
  • or "Operation: The board Game"
  • perhaps "Sorry: The Board GAme"
  • and maybe "Yahtzee: The Movie" doh! Just noticed I wrote "the board game" for the last two.
  • Though you could make "Trouble: the Movie", if you turned the Pop-O-Matic into a Thunderdome-type deal. And "Ouija Board" holds some promise, if based on the song more than the game.
  • Ridley announced his interest in this back in 2007. Go! Figure. Someone give him some medication. Capt, you didn't speak soon enough: Other flicks based on Hasbro toys that are currently in development include “Battleship” and “Ouija.”
  • I would go see the Capt.'s "Trouble: the Movie". All of these movies could have a Jumanji/Zathura twist -- as they play the game, the game moves happen in real life! "Hangman: the Movie" would be a horror flick.
  • i am interested in the character development of the iron, personally.
  • "Clue" was an awesome movie. I had no idea it tanked at the box office -- it seemed like it was a pretty popular movie at the time to me. Of course, I was ten then, and not exactly what you'd call hip to box office figures. But still, awesome enough that I own the DVD.
  • But Tim Curry and Madeleine Kahn -- what more could anyone POSSIBLY need in a movie?
  • All I ask is that, when the top hat goes to jail, it gets sodomized.
  • Clue (the movie) is one of my all-time favorites. What were those dumb 80s people thinking?
  • Ouija will probably make a better movie than it does a board game.
  • Communism was just a red herring!
  • If Monopoly: the Movie is anything like Clue: the Movie, it will be awesome. And I hate Monpoly: the Game.
  • This and that damned Startrek trailer that everyone has forwarded me today just makes my blood boil. Weeks before a new film appears on theaters, youve seen the trailer n times, and seen tie-ins in everything from fastfood, novelizations, videogames, to shampoo. Streets plastered with ads about it. You go watch the flick and after ads and more ads, finally the movie is there. Crammed to the max with product placement. Damn, whole hollywood movies are ADS now. So, we have now 120 min. ads for a board game? Sure we all reminisce with those old games, we all have fond memories about playing with friends ages ago, but is that enough to accept recycled, rebooted, refried crap over and over again?
  • And now that I see the words on the screen... sorry. Yeah I'm quite cranky tonight so YMMV. And Clue's only reedeming value was Mr. Curry. IMO.
  • Just about any board game would make a wonderful movie. I mean, if you were desperate and possibly insane. Except for Candyland.
  • I can see Candyland The Movie being very enjoyable. Provided, of course, that the ghost of Hunter S. Thompson wrote the script.
  • "The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely saccharine candy. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile carnival candy booth. We had two bags of Lik-M-Stix, seventy-five pellets of Campinos, five reels of high-powered Bubble Tape, a salt shaker half full of powdered sugar, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored jujubes, gummi-bears, jaw breakers and gob-stoppers, Chupa-Chups and also a quart of Jolt, a quart of YooHoo, a case of Irn-Bru, a pint of raw vanilla extract and two dozen Nerds. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious candy-collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can."
  • Monotony: The Movie
  • I would pay to see the prequel of Mastermind.
  • Capt.'s on a road trip!!