November 19, 2008

British Nazi National Party membership posted online.

You might be able to read it here. Or you can see a Google maps mash-up here. Obviously a gross contravention of data-protection and personal privacy. But hey, it is a bunch of right wing nut jobs we're talking about. I'm conflicted.

  • The BNP leader admitted the party was relying on the Human Rights Act, based on EU legislation, which it opposes, to try to protect the privacy of its members. Hardy har.
  • I'm no expert in British law - is this party illegal or something? Can you really be fired for belonging to a certain party?
  • They're not illegal. Just pond life.
  • You can stick your postcode in here and find out how many of your neighbours are the vanguard of the white resistance! Spotted anyone you know, kit?
  • 10000 members is a pretty pathetic amount, especially as half the people on there seem to have signed their children up as well. Even monkeyfilter has more members than that.
  • Thank god I joined under an assumed name.
  • Ooh, there's that nice Mr. Bitler who lives down the road! Yoo-hoo!
  • I take it the usual correlation between white power advocates and white trash applies?
  • And like kit, I'm torn between personal privacy rights and the need to show these scum for who they are. Sadly, though, I would think that these types thrive under a persecution complex, thinking that they're all bloody martyrs and that everybody's out to get them. Publishing this list doesn't help that in the least. But they are scum. So maybe if a few cars get egged, it'll balance out.
  • Oh yes.
  • That post-code search reveals some VERY close to kitfisto towers.
  • I take it the usual correlation between white power advocates and white trash applies? Actually the list shows a cross-section of employment etc skewed towards the petty bourgeois. It's classic fascist in that sense.
  • There's a couple close to Sister Renault's place in the NW8, as well. I should go and pay my respects the next time I'm over. Baseball bats would go as checked luggage, right?
  • If wikileaks is down, you can read the list here
  • Lord Adam Murray **address removed** Activist Business owner (antiquities). Pubic (sic) speaker. Has two suits of medieval 14th & 15th century armour and can joust for rallies ROFL
  • I think the lady who put down as contact information her email addy at teh NHS might be in for a bit of trouble. And can I spam the guy who has a Masters in Ethnology?
  • Mr Vernon Atkinson [redacted] activist - Makes kites with BNP logos etc. ?!? Fun-loving fascists, out flyin' kites. Nice. GO FLY A KITE YOU FASCIST! Oh -- wait...
  • Mr P. N. Baldwin [redacted] Proof-reader. Oxford Graduate Is that what a degree from Oxford gets you these days? Huh.
  • Someone on another board said they were having fun sticking the emails in Facebook and putting faces to the names. There's probably a Web2.0 thesis in this for some enterprising soul.
  • First name I looked for was Max Mosley, but he's obviously too smart to be there. There are two other Mosleys, though.
  • Mr Keith W. Banyard [redacted] Activist. Was 17049 (05) Retired maths teacher. Ex-TA (12 years). Hobbies: model-making, die-cast collection, military aviation history. Learning to fly First off, you're a wanker. Second, it's "math". Learn to fucking spell, you fucking fascist.
  • Don't make me side with the fascists, home-boy!
  • Hobbies: model-making, die-cast collection, military aviation history. Learning to fly ...twitching the net curtains and looking daggers when the black family who live three doors down pass, whilst secretly fancying the wife.
  • Mr John Bastow [redacted] Membership suspended 30/03/06 (police matter re. emails). Suspension lifted 2/8/06 Wonder what that's all about. So, if you're suspended by the BNP, does that make you less or more of a human being?
  • Mr Rod Chapman [redacted] Window cleaner. Former pig farmer. Pagan prison chaplain. Hobbies: growing mistletoe, rune making (wood) WTF? I'm convinced I had to sit next to this guy on the bus, once.
  • Mrs Molly R. Davies [redacted] Will not be renewing 07 - took exception to being asked to contact another similarly aged lady member! Suddenly this party got a whole lot more interesting...
  • "What are your hobbies?" "Strangling animals, golf, and masturbating." "Boo!" "I see golf's not too popular around here."
  • I'm disappointed monkeys ... next we'll be inviting the kind of people who don't like Paediatricians to join
  • *reads fistynuts' link, facepalms* Next thing you know, they'll be lynching pedants and pedestrians.
  • That paediatrician thing has entered into popular mythology in the UK (or at least the bit I live in). It's good short-hand for small-minded, rabble-roused dick-heads. Much like the BNP.
  • "Oik"? You English have funny words for everything, don't you? You're like Australians, only nerdier.
  • And better looking. You forgot that bit.