November 19, 2008

Eggs Bacon Chips and Beans A typical cheap British brekkie, reviewed.
  • It is indeed the meal of kings, although I find a traditional Full English to be the better brekky. ESC&Bs is more of a 'blimey, I'm in a caff at lunchtime, what shall I have?' type of meal. Here's a guy doing the same for Liverpool brekkies. NOM!!
  • I'm still not sure about the whole black pudding thing.
  • Mmmmm...pig's blood and fat. Sounds chuffing horrible, tastes divine.
  • I prefers the full English, too. That's what I make on Christmas morning.
  • See also: The London Review of Breakfasts. They have a tradition of silly pen names, of course...
  • The reviews and pics make my mouf water, but I just can't get past the idea of beans for breakfast. Are they the same baked beans we find here in the states? I can only associate baked beans with summer picnic lunches, along with coleslaw and corn on the cob. (I'm totally on board with french fries for breakfast, though.)
  • Baked beans! With a picnic!!! Filthy yanks! Beans: on toast with chips in chili as part of a healthy, nutricious breakfast that's where.
  • Pip pip! Now where did I leave my cucumber sandwiches?
  • Um... you don't want them anymore.
  • I've never been clear on precisely how they start the day over there but where's the fried tomato, fried toast, and fried one of those pale little thumb-looking sausage things?
  • I wish someone would make me breakfast every morning.
  • I prefers the full English, too. Oh, yeah! Me, too! I especially like it when the Gaz is dancing to You Can Leave Your Hat On and Horse does that thing... Wait, what does this have to do with breakfast again? *looks confused* *blushes*
  • That is so weird. I stumbled on this site in the wee hour this morning, when I couldn't sleep. TRACY IS READING MY MIND! MAKE HER STOP!
  • mecha, some supermarkets have a British food section. If so, seek out a can of Heinz baked beans. They are a little different. Saucier, maybe. Breakfast is what I crave most from England. That and HobNobs. And not the icky Milk Chocolate ones, either. (Also, that's the wee HOURS. It wasn't when I got up to pee...)
  • I wish someone would make me breakfast every morning. That is so absolutely fucking true. M. le Chien. Breakfast is always better when someone cooks it for you.
  • I couldn't find any Heinz baked beans, but I did buy a can of Bush's Vegetarian Baked Beans and Bush's Classic Baked Beans. Will experiment with this wacky legume-based breakfast tomorrow.
  • Oh, you'll like.
  • You've just taken your first step into a wider world. And you'll fart like billy-o before 11am. Win win.
  • The Bush's VBB are similar to the Heinz. The beans seem to be smaller and paler - probably a different variety. But the sauce is close.
  • Baked beans with a chunk of lard on top is the centrepiece of any Quebecois brekkie.
  • That and the cigarettes.
  • Beans for breakfast. Philistines, the lot of you. Beans are to be eaten with barbecue or cold picnic food, must always be accompanied by cole slaw or potato salad, and preferably covered in flies for authenticity. Either that or boil 'em with a hamhock and an onion for like three hours, dig the meat out from under the hock's skin, stir well, salt well, and serve with cornbread. Breakfast? No. On toast? You are WRONG.
  • Mom tells how Grandpa used to make bean and onion sammiches for her when she were a kid.
  • In honour of this thread, I went and had a Full English for breakfast this morning. Sadly no black pudding, but fried eggs and bacon and sausages and beans and very buttery toast and orange juice and two cups of black coffee and three cigarettes. It was utterly magnificent.
  • Am eating baked beans on toast for breakfast. My only review at this time is, "Hmm."
  • Is the toast supposed to dissolve like that by the time you're halfway through?
  • Entire plate has devolved into a sludgy, goopy mess. Am thoroughly revolted. Scraping plate into trash; fixing bowl of cereal instead.
  • You have seen the truth of this abomination, mechagrue. You will need a bacon injection and a supplement of hashbrowns, stat.
  • O Special K, my familiar, welcome friend! *cries*
  • Either that or boil 'em with a hamhock and an onion for like three hours, dig the meat out from under the hock's skin, stir well, salt well that's pretty much what I had for dinner last night...yum!!!!!
  • Mech - as a long time beans on toast eater, here's my tip - Heat beans, make toast, serve beans in a bowl, set upon a plate. Perched upon that plate is your toast (two pieces, white or brown, but nicely buttered and cut in half). Fill fork with beans. Pile on toast, eat said portion of toast. Repeat until both beans and toast have gone. Liven up with Branston Fruity sauce or Worcestershire sauce. Grated cheese turns a meal into a feast. In this manner, toast doth remain crisp throughout said meal. Here endeth the lesson. As every fule kno.
  • Oh, and Mothy - goddam! I'm hungry!!!
  • kit's method is exactly how I eat beans on toast...but I never have it for breakfast. BOT is strictly a lunch thing.
  • Yea, doth kit verily spekith truth!
  • > Baked beans with a chunk of lard on top is the centrepiece of any Quebecois brekkie. This is a little bit interesting. I presume these baked beans would be considered savoury (in the sense of salé)? The French approach to breakfast is quite rigidly sweet-oriented (pastries, jams, biscuits, chocolate sandwiches, drinking chocolate, and so on). I've asked some friends about this and they confirm that savoury breakfast just isn't done here, though most hotels will make some savoury food available for tourists. I wonder whether the Quebecois departed from this norm, or whether the focus on sucré is more recent.
  • I think that with traditional Quebecois food, there's an emphasis on hearty fare, so you can go out into the woods and swing axes around all day. Even today, an ordinary tourtière from Provigo will have you wanting to go walk some trap lines. A Tourtière du Lac-St-Jean with plenty of duck, pork and venison will have you pushing rowboats across the ice-bound St. Lawrence. A hearty breakfast of sufficient mass and density will keep you warm. Croissant and a coffee fresh from the dépanneur's microwave will not.
  • Us Yanks have gotten away from the savory breakfast in recent decades because they take more time to prepare.
  • I should mention, though, that order brekkie in a Quebecois greasy spoon, and you will get a slice of orange or mango with it.
  • When I went to Vegas, every breakfast came with a little scoop of some kind of mixed-melon-mirepois.
  • That was just your hangover talking.
  • I tried Kit's Method of Beans On Toast Consumption© for lunch yesterday. It was much less H.R. Geiger-ish, thanks! I don't know that I can face them for breakfast, but I can see slotting it into my lunchtime rotation. Add that to the list of "Things I Learned On Monkeyfilter."