November 18, 2008

No it's not what you think. It's a Christmas decoration. Really.

From the American Family Association. Really. Not anything to do with the KKK or lynching. Really. It's for Jesus. Really. Reeeeeeeeally.....

  • Can I get free shipping on my Christmas Cross when I also order "It's Not Gay" for my "men's group", together with "They're Coming To Your Town" (which seems to be a fabulous zombie flick)? But why the picture of Amsterdam? That's not Eureka Farms... Look at the soil around Eureka Farms, Stuart. Can't build on it, can't grow anything in it -- the government says it's due to poor farming, but I know what's going on...
  • What about a gift from MoFi to President-Elect Obama?
  • It's true, I tell you.
  • we'd get him the turkey headdress before anything on the AFA website, skrik, methinks...
  • 'Gay friendly lodging' on Beaver Lake? Sounds good to me! *heads for Best Buy, to get better videocam, night-vision goggles*
  • Wow -- they really have a lot in terms of group lodging, don't they? The Basin Park Hotel and Crescent Hotel offer 15,000 sq. ft. of unobstructed meeting area which can accommodate 2-3000 people. Restaurant on premises. Corporate discounts. I'm gonna need more memory cards.
  • Sweet flaming Jesus!
  • Strange Christmas fruit. And I don't mean the bebeh jebus, folks!
  • It's true, I tell you. Eureka Springs is AWESOME. Beautiful little hill town, fantastic arts scene, annual blues festival that brings big names, and all tastes and peccadilloes are welcome, no shit. Totally random haven of tolerance in this state, and it even has a haunted hotel. And all this with Jesus watching over them.
  • Is it my imgination, or does Jesus have manboobs? Or perhaps the beard is false? "Are there any women here?"
  • Aaarrrrgggghhhh... extraneous question mark. I hate that!3!
  • ...or does Jesus have manboobs? Well, Him being of dual nature, they'd simultaneously be of man and the divine, so not 'manboobs' as such.
  • Digging a little deeper into the white supremacy-leaning wingnut who erected this lovely piece of work, I came across this factoid: Smith and his wife are buried adjacent to the Christ of the Ozarks Statue. A loud speaker plays hymns over the graves continuously. *shudders*
  • ...and all tastes and peccadilloes are welcome, no shit. ROAD TRIP!!!!
  • Not only does Jesus have manboobs, he also was the creator of the first 90-degree angle, due to his amazing arm pits. This paved the way for Pythagoras' fame and fortune (even tho P was born 500 years before J).
  • Well, actually Ralph, P was a teenager when he saw that 90 degree angle thing, and Jesus sent him back in time so he could claim the credit, in exchange for his post-dated soul. (I'm pretty sure I read that in one of the Apocrypha books. Or the Gnostic bible. Something like that.)
  • Shotgun!
  • It looks to me like it is just a combination of a cross and those silly icicle lights that are so popular. I get what everyone is saying, but it may just be some sort of unintended resemblance. A better question would be why people think a symbol of Christ's death should be used to celebrate Christ's birth.
  • unintended? kind of a tough one to miss, dontchathink? especially with all the links between the AFA and the KKK to begin with....
  • That Jesus is a slap-head.
  • It's even funnier if it's unintended.