November 18, 2008

The New Star Trek Trailer in HD You will need Quicktime or alternative.
  • For some reason that's not playing in work, and TBH, I may not bother when I get home. Star Trek films always leave me a bit 'meh'. Fascinating input, I know.
  • The interest in this is that it is a reboot of sorts.
  • I am a fan of TOS, TNG, and DS9, but I have to say that this looks like the best Star Trek movie ever. Holy cow it looks awesome. Sorry, I know it's popular to hate on remakes* and what-not, but it looks like such a good movie. Most of the other ST movie, good or bad, were more like episodes rather than movies. This one is a movie, not an episode from TV. And they've made ST look like the sci-fi I always imagined but never found. *I don't have the instinctive distaste of remakes (or reboots) that many seem to have. For some time, I wanted to see a prequel to ST with new actors. (actually, that's what I expected from TNG when it came out). I'm also probably the only one who wants to see Star Wars remade (not rebooted, remastered, or prequelled, but remade). I liked it alot as a kid, but by today's standards, it's crappy. I can't get my kid into it (I'm trying).
  • I've been following the new movie closely, and I'm excited, too. Saw the trailer on the bog screen Friday night, and it really was wow. (I think, if need be, Quinto's Spock could carry the film.)
  • I liked it alot as a kid, but by today's standards, it's crappy You take that back!!!
  • Star Trek films always leave me a bit 'meh'. But dude -- they had a hoverbike. Did you not see the hoverbike?
  • Not being a fan of the original series and having only seen the first film, I may be mistaken, but wasn't Spock supposed to be this cool, unflappable, highly logical guy? Now he's there kickin' ass and talking back? Is this something like that thing WB did a few years back with Loonatics?
  • I'm also probably the only one who wants to see Star Wars remade (not rebooted, remastered, or prequelled, but remade) I think George will grant your wish every time a new filmaking technology becomes available.
  • I saw the movie and yeah, it was silly in places but I loved it. I'm bumping up this thread so we have a place to talk about it. And also to do "human Theremin" renditions of the end-credits theme. ooo-oooo, oo-oo-oo-oo-ooooooo....
  • Equal parts action, story, humor, and nod to old-trek fans. Well done Abrams! Can't wait to see it again!
  • Going to see it next week hopefully. I may avoid this thread for a while.
  • I saw it on Sunday and loved every minute of it - even the silly bits, and the obvious nods to TOS. The time-travel thing was only a device to show how old Nimoy is now, and I think they could have done without it, but the actor choices were inspired. I would almost say they should have made this instead of TMP.
  • I took the time-travel thing to be their excuse to kick off an "alternate reality" so they didn't have to adhere to canon. But frankly, any excuse to have Nimoy on screen is good by me.