November 14, 2008

The Gehry-renovated AGO opens today. The Art Gallery of Ontario is set to show off its new expansion and renovation today, a very restrained work by Frank Gehry. Reviews so far have been positive. [Vid] [360 scrolly-thingy]

It sits next door to Alsop's at-first controversial but now accepted addition to OCAD. The AGO reno is also the last of Toronto's three grand projets, the first being Jack Diamond's opera house, which seems to be technically brilliant, but aesthetically something of a missed opportunity, and Libeskind's 'Crystal', which is either loved or hated. Admission to the long-closed AGO is free this weekend, so, you know, come on down!

  • Well, I can see you've put a lot of work into this post, but I'm afraid it never gets above the parochial for me. The words 'tame' and 'bland' come to mind, and although it pains me, I'm going to have to ask you to see me after school. In the stationery cupboard. Oiled.
  • Gehry is only good when restrained. The AGO is one the few of his that I like, and I look forward to visiting soon (not for the building, but for the newly released Ken Thompson collection, and the existing Canadian Collection). The OCAD, however, is not accepted.