November 13, 2008

Welcome to -- the wesbite of Joe the Plumber. You'd think that a plumber could get a series of tubes workin', but whatcha gonna do?
  • Oops. Screwed up the sidebar. But I'm no plumber, either.
  • One year of Freedom Membership -- $14.95. No, freedom isn't free, is it? Oh it is to laugh.
  • Oh man. Well, you gotta congratulate the guy on figuring out how to translate his fleeting and spurious brush with fame of fame into money. he's still an idjit
  • Yes, yes... but after you see *what* you get with an annual Freedom membership, how could anyone possibly resist? 1) Total Access to "Joe The Forum" where you may chat directly with Joe 2) Subscription to the "Joe The Blog" monthly newsletter 3) Free Shipping on all "Joe The Plumber" merchandise
  • Hey, without paying $14.95 I can read the screwed up sidebar for free. Thanks loads there, Capt. Yah ever posted before? Oh, and pull up yer pants. Yer crack is showing and Obama don't like it, and neither do I. *mutters* buncha plumbers
  • He looks like the love child of Donald Pleasance and Ma Kettle.
  • That's some cutting edge web design, right there. For uh... 1998 or so.
  • no, it would have sucked then, too.
  • "...there will be no free ride."... well, unless you consider not paying your taxes a "free ride"...
  • Excellent! Blink and marquee have been underutilized on the web for too many years now.
  • This guy is a right cunt.
  • gomi alerted me to what a dork the Capt is, and I've fixed the sidebar. Hi.
  • tracicle is totally the hero of this election. screw that plumber jerk.
  • Who gives a fuck what some baldy get says? Not I, said the little red hen.
  • Also from pearlgate publishing: Things Forgotten, the debut novel by Thomas Tabback After a traumatic experience, Bronx Police Officer Paul Kelly awakens in a hospital with no memory. His life and loved ones are all lost to him, but a specter from the past awakens him to an identity more than 3200 years ago. In a time when the heavens still touched the earth and man witnessed the might of God with plain eyes, there lived Nahar, son of Nahath, son of Reuel. Through Nahar's eyes, Paul is about to recall events that would forever change the world, for he dwelt in the Jordan Valley of Canaan, as a chosen people prepared to cross the river into their Promised Land. Prepare for an incredible journey as Nahar sweeps you into the historical events of the Israelite Conquest of Canaan, and discover the mystery of Nahar’s connection with Paul. Tom Tabback is the administrative contact for the pearlgate domain, and he's the coauthor of Joe's book. What an efficient operation.
  • Wack Tabback.
  • Hey, hey, hey! Calm it with the baldy comments! *shuffles feet* *cowers behind monthninja* Reminds me - who was the lucky one that got into a wee little "shouting match" on the comments for the video I linked to youtube? Bravo!
  • What Hank said. Election's over, cueball, go back to work.
  • Monkeyfilter: election's over, cueball, go back to work.
  • go back to work. Nah, he's trying to figure out how to charge us an hour for his 15 minutes.
  • What astounds me is how idiots manage to get into the media.
  • Heck, they can get on the party ticket.
  • GramMa- at least katie couric is supposed to be quitting now the election is over...
  • Joe The Plumber’s Life Officially Becomes Off-Putting David Lynch Film. [via teh 'kette] Because you need a plumber to talk you through teevee converter box installation. Wait -- what?