November 12, 2008

Celebrity Apes. Both crap and scary at the same time.
  • Kit, make it stop... I'm scared. Hold me.
  • There there... *hands wander*
  • Easy there, cowboy. Slower.
  • Gaahhhhh! yep. scary.
  • Mhhh... they look more like plastic surgery mishaps than apes to me. And they forgot to doctor Larry King's one. What?
  • We call it "The Eight Chained Ourang-Outangs," and it really is excellent sport if well enacted. The beauty of the game lies in the fright it occasions among the women. The resemblance shall be so striking that the company of masqueraders will take them for real beasts -- and, of course, they will be as much terrified as astonished.
  • What a wonderful showcase of how not to use Photoshop well.
  • What (also TUM nice Poe-Filter there)