November 03, 2008

Roll Up! Roll Up! See The Human Marvels! A surprisingly humane site looking at all manner of human shapes and sizes...

Meet the conjoined The hairy The horny And the really horny And a whole lot more. Dress it up how you like, it's still a freak show for people to gawp at. So gawp away.

  • Good stuff, you meat-dreaded freak.
  • These Hilton sisters are far more interesting - and appealing - than the ones we have now.
  • The twins were ‘trained’ and ‘groomed’ to sing and dance in the vaudeville tradition. I wonder what they sang -- "All of Me"? "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better"? "I've Got You Under My Skin"?
  • I bet they danced a mean do-si-do.
  • "I'm afraid my sister has the next dance..."
  • The Real "Poor Edward." I had no freakin' clue.
  • What about Tabletop Joe?
  • The freak show was probably advantageous for severe cases. For others, it must have been a trip! I think that they have immense human dignity in their eyes, these people. The guy with neurofibromatosis must have NF2 --which is much more rare than the NF1 variety with its many soft bumps at the nerve endings...