October 24, 2008
It was inevitable: McCain and Obama stage a Dance-Off
(Happy Friday!)
Don't worry, BearGuy. They didn't say anything when I linked it in comments yesterday, either. *sniff* The part where Palin was booty-shaking in front of the car was gold.
DANCE OFF WITH YOUR PANTS OFF!!!!! ...sorry, wrong thread
I couldn't watch it at work earlier, but it was worth the wait. Brilliant! Loved the polo shirts on the Republican crew. (Though, they should have filmed the surprise challenger in B&W to mask the skin tone discrepancy.)
They didn't say anything when I linked it in comments yesterday, either. Damn, no outrage at improper posting OR comments on dancing presidential candidates. What happened to the Friday spirit?
Hey, John McCain lifted his arms above his head!
The power of dance can lead to amazing things.
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