October 20, 2008
Can let you down
Than a
Strapless gown
I thought we had a Burma-Shave post in the archives but couldn't find it, and had these links bookmarked, and then there was today's xkcd, and well.
the trac is back the chief banana (I'd best behave myself manana) Burma-shave
do dooo de do do
At shaving I'm Not very good - These signs are written In my blood.
Hey Monkeys
Hey, bratcat!
The only way I can get "good" and "blood" to rhyme is to say them both like "food". Which is fun.
Maybe in a Yorkshire accent...
Wouldn't that be pudding in too much effort?
Please forgive my foolish post inviting all to monkey-roast Burma-Shave
Since you thought it fit to ask, it's neither Bikini nor Brazilian wax. Burma-Shave...
Something is wrong and out of kilter when it's Burma Shave not MonkeyFilter