October 18, 2008

  • my brain is unable to process this webpage.
  • Nice background though.
  • my brain is unable to process this webpage. That is because you were educated seasoned stupid.
  • *longs for the simple perversity and clear web layout of dolphinsex.org*
  • I bestow upon myself the "Doctorate of Flavorism"
  • Julia Child is a Four-Cornered Queer.
  • I've got no thyme for these 'sages'.
  • DILUTE! DILUTE! OK?!?!?!
  • Thyme cube is no match for the Basilsphere!
  • It's a bunch of boullion.
  • You will all rue the day!
  • Sigh. Thistle just turn into yet another yarrow-minded attempt to curry favor by pepper-ing your comments with stupid topical puns. Sure, some of you dill weeds are good - heck, I for one wouldn't want to quassia - but this sort of thing is just so cress. Arugula just sit and let this happen yet again? I rue the day that I started reading this junk. Not a bit of meaningful sialagogue even comes out of any of your mouths. I guess I'll just be in tormentil this damn thread dies. I mean, who wood betony of you could even come up with anything original, anyway? No, no, it's all plain vanilla crap, just to nettle me. I have a lot of favorite threads on this site, but I certainly won't be putting any star anise one. You're all so psyllium make me sick. Go ahead, have your fun, but I'll knotweed any more of this garbage today. I don't even know why I cumin here in the first place. Heck, maybe that's a bit over the top. Sorry for my un-savory comments. Almond my ways, I promise. You know you allspice up my life, right? I won't say annatto thing. Amchur you won't hold my rash statements against me. Fennel I ever learn to just keep my damn mouth cloves?
  • They say that a man isn't ready for fatherhood until he can make a stream of terrible puns, so -- congrats, frogs! You can certainly cut the mustard!
  • *gives CLF great big kiss*
  • *faints* *has trouble getting back up* *points shaking finger at frogs* Those puns are just plain EVIL. The rest of you Monkey chilin's stay back from him. He's gone over to the dark side. He has the Devil's Claw around his heart I tell ya!
  • Capt. - one of my friends has been asking me for YEARS when I'm going to be a dad, based on the inane puns alone. I blame my mom. She taught me well. :)