October 05, 2008

A real laugh riot - Denver police release commemorative t-shirt.
  • They have a nice high rez picture on that site and I'm thinking about having some more printed up. Who else wants one?
  • I think it's spelled "laff riot".
  • I'm terrible afeared of the Wampus Cat
  • Hmmmm, the wampus cat moved over from the fearsome creatures page. Wampus Cat! Fear him, for he travels stealthily!
  • / Orders me up a "Wumpus Cat Beats the Crowds!" T-shirt, and in a tip of the hat to our new overlords - be they Wumpi or the Denver police.
  • Sigh. Sometimes I wish the web hadn't been hijacked by cats.
  • Orococo: the web was INVENTED by cats to incapacitate their owners.
  • orococo, I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that it's in the nature of cats to take over anything and everyone they get remotely close to. I think it's the toxoplasmosis.
  • A few months ago, squids and octopii fought for net control. But the meme has died. Cats still reign the webs.
  • Cats still reign the webs. If that's the case, shouldn't it be a series of scratching posts rather than a series of tubes? I'm clearly behind on my Internet memes.
  • Better get with it, BearGuy!
  • You're still safe with otter bile, though. That never goes out of fashion 'round these parts.