March 24, 2004
Curious, George
Curious, George - Help! I have a friend who's going through a really, really rough time right now and I want to send her a bunch of links that will make her laugh. She has a twisted, sarcastic sense of humor (the and WHEE! squirrel is a favorite). I want to send this out today or tomorrow, so I'd appreciate if you guys could help me out. Thanks!
(Please nothing that's could generally be considered as grotesque.)
She may already know of them from the Quizno's ads, but the mutant squirrels in We Like the Moon are the funniest creatures on the Net. It's been the first bookmark on my list since I found it months ago.
Homestar Runner. Good fun.
Disco Tanssit Video clip of a Finnish guy teaching disco dancing. (37,6 MB Mpeg)
And of course
marx - holy banana, but that Finnish disco dancing movie is HYSTERICAL
WHEE! Keep it comin!
If she enjoys reading funny stuff, then this is what I
The really big button that doesn't do anything. I thought the comments were hilarious.
Ok, just one more, a classic: Yatta! (7.7 MB ASF)
Ack! NSFA (not safe for anyone!)
She should submit to the stern judgement of Limecat. Or the smaller but equally august judgements of Limecat mini. Now in five iMac-fresh flavors.
SideDish: The elk thing is *hysterical*. Perfect. All these other suggestions are great too. Just what I had in mind. You guys are awesome!!
The dog & carcass one is a classic Sidedish! I suggest some b3ta.
Here are a few from my favorites list: American Social Hygene Posters The Institute of Official Cheer Peguin Bat (click your mouse once to make the penguin drop, and click again to get the yeti to swing the club) Subversive Cross Stitch What to Do in a Terrorist Attack
If she's American, but wasn't too traumatized by the Pledge, then she should meet America's most patriotic monkey.
I'm sure everyone knows about the Viking Kittens. I adore the WHEEE! squirrel, but I don't spend enough time looking for similarly weird stuff. *sighs* Ohmygod, andtherewasthisguy, andIwaslike, WHEEEEE!
All kinds of fun here is always good for a laugh. And 213 things Skippy is no longer to do in the U.S. Army is another classic.
BTW: Upon closer inspection - Please be nice to the first server. Looks like they have a bandwidth limit.
Here's another classic-- the end of the world.
Tunak Tunak Tan! (5mb Realplayer) It's not just funny, it's catchy. :)
Completely deranged, and often well OTT, the Parking Lot is Full was ace. Kind of like a misanthropic Far Side. This one seems appropriate...
In case this mystery person likes the penguin action (And yes, that's what the kids are calling it these days), but not the clubbing of virtual penguins with a bat, here's a fun little penguin throwing game. There's also a fun penguin sliding game. And the all-time classic penguin game... SPACED PENGUINS!!!! There's also Poop Pals. Heh, I said "poop". No penguins were harmed in the making of this post.
The day this doesn't make me laugh, I officially surrender.
Does she like to read about twisted sarcastic stuff that happens to other people? Tell her to read this.
Everyone's already seen it, but these badgers sure are exciting.
Oh boy.
Thanks for that Koko, btw.
I find this series way fun. [flash]
Chilly Beach, online cartoon show.
Sorry - that link is in flash - I don't know what the cartoons are in (possibly also flash.)
This [flash] really cracked me up the first time, and it's still amuses me.
Is this funny?
Kimberly: did your friend like 'em? ... and I hope you passed/will pass on the best wishes of 792 strangers as well?
Really, I think the best one is this one. Never fails to cheer me up :)
Thanks everyone! She *loved* the links. They were just the thing to make her smile (or guffaw as the case may be). As an added benifit, she has spent a non-trivial amount of time berrating me for YATTA! So well done! I appreciate all the suggestions.
mexican: no, that is erotic.
she has spent a non-trivial amount of time berrating me for YATTA! yeah sorry about that