September 16, 2008

The Curse of the African Grey.
  • Just the post needed for today - - a good laugh! Was talking politics on the phone with my mom last week, and the discussion turned to the alleged "So, Sambo beat the bitch" comment by Palin. Little did I know, that SMT Jr (just over 4 years) was standing there the whole time listening to me. One thing led to another, and he started running, dancing, and yelling throughout the house, "BEAT THE BITCH! BEAT THE BITCH!" My mom could not stop laughing. SMT Jr.'s younger sister only had to hear it one time - - she joined in, and the two of them did not let up for a good 10 minutes.
  • The story reminded me of that great bit in Harlem Nights, when Redd Foxx muttered at his wife "fat bitch", and then the parrot joined in. "FAT BITCH! FAT BITCH!" Great stuff. And a great movie. The shootout is one of the funniest things ever put on film.
  • Mrs. TheDog is currently trying to teach our African Grey to say "Birds for Obama!" No luck thus far.
  • "sanctuary owner Geoff Grewcock"... Hmm.
  • Poor bird. I'm not sure I quite understand what's going on here. SHE has the cockatoo, but it yells F--in' whore? Sounds like he trained the bird to swear, and she got the bird in the divorce breakup. Does he keep reinforcing the bird's training? In which case, he's at fault, not her. The bird can be taught not to swear, if that's what it takes, but I'd suggest keeping the windows shut and building a hella BIG fence or better yet, moving. Why would you want to live next to your ex? The funniest cockatoo I've ever had the pleasure of knowing was owned by a very prim and polite, shy gal who inherited him from a coworker who died of cancer. They were friends, even though the guy was a really loud, obnoxious sweary kind of guy, and a bit of a player to boot. The bird swore like a sailor, but best of all, would leeringly say, "Hey, baby" then make the noise of a zipper going up and down. Hilarious. She loved that bird, even though she usually covered his cage in front of company. But he would sit under the blanket yelling, "Crap! Crap! Crap!" so it hardly mattered..