September 11, 2008

No, you! "Sidetaker: let the world decide who's at fault" Finally, a sensible use for the internet! Fighting couples can post their respective sides of an argument, and the internet votes on who's right!

Helpful advice also follows. Fun and eductional. via

  • Sorry about the random extra lines. Don't know what I did. Can you hope me, admin?
  • Good idea, bad format. Ya, I'm impatient.
  • You know, whenever HBS and I have a dispute about something, I've often thought, "I wonder what commenters at YouTube and Yahoo Answers would think about this?"
  • The anonymity is a great thing. If I was having relationship problems, I think wouldn't want to talk about it with anyone we both knew.
  • Oh, and I meant to add - the "Comments" sections in online advice columns ALWAYS have better advice than the actual columnist gives. THis just cuts out the middleman.
  • The first question I read: "...Recently she has become increasingly irriated with me and does not want to have sex and when we do she insists on me using a strap on all the time. I am beginning to think that she is not really gay but was just experimenting with me. Should I confront her? I don't know what to do." vs. "...In the interim, I have been watching some cool porn movies in the time I would spend with her. I get really excited and am eager to try some of the stuff I've seen...But everytime I suggest something I have to plead with her to try it...and that makes it less enjoyable. We're not even married yet and our sex life has already gotten boring...what will happen if we get married? will she just want to do missionary everyday? I think we should wait...." I'm going to need more detail to give this the proper answer it deserves. Thanks for the find, Lara!
  • Gah. TUM'S Olde-Thyme Advyse to Alle and Sundrie Cupples always applies. Nobody's sex drive is "wrong," but they really, really, really ought to match if at all possible. Of course pleading makes it less enjoyable. DUH. If anything's a big enough deal to both of you that repeated pleading becomes a regular part of the picture, then I just don't know. And there's no substitute for frank discussion. And can you tell just how hard I'm working on putting off that big report I don't want to do?
  • where's the dang report?