August 27, 2008
Got Firefox 3? Install Ubiquity.
Now. It's a 0.1 alpha Firefox 3 extension that gives you an interactive command line for browsing and altering and mashing up web pages and it is very, very good. Watch the video, then test drive for yourself. Oh, yes.
This'd be great if I had any friends.
I love you Hank *blocks email* OK, I'm giving it a whirl.
There's way more stuff than just emailing and twittering in there. Type command-list and you'll get a full list of native commands. Learn some javascript, and you can roll your own as well. The potential here is a kind of on-the-fly, interactive greasemonkey. There are few limits to what you can do with this framework.
I installed it. I love the in-line wiki-ing, which I can see myself using a lot. I'll try to geek out and discover/develop some more functionality as I get more comfortable. Cool ideas, though--I like the "delete html" command, though I can't really say why. It makes me giggle. Delete-undelete! Light goes on, light goes off!
I've found a new use for the edit-page command:
Trolls are going to be so much more fun now.
Okay, you're going to have to show me how to do that this weekend. Also, the dollar/bowtie origami thing. IT'S TIME.
This could be dangerous in the wrong hands!! So, does it have to be used with gmail? Cause I don't do gmail. It looks like a very convenient extension--now somebody tell me what the catch is.
Here's the Ars Technica article - they seem to rave about it.
This could be dangerous in the wrong hands!! If we outlaw Ubiquity, then only outlaws will have Ubiquity. So, does it have to be used with gmail? Cause I don't do gmail. Right now it does. By the time it hits beta they plan to be very broad in email coverage, even including non-web-based email. Which is good news for me, because I use gmail but not exclusively, and even then prefer to use it through Thunderbird, despite the legion of IMAP headaches that causes. It looks like a very convenient extension--now somebody tell me what the catch is. We get to kill your horses.
THUD* *GramMa faints*
Y'know, my mofi is a different colour to yours. I've gone for the brown theme.
I just figured out how to change the way the page looks, thanks to kit's comment. It doesn't persist, though. But then nothing beautiful ever does.
Mine always stays the same colour, as long as I'm logged in. Which is always, obv.
Nope. I choose the "yellow" style, and every time I click a link, it's back to maroon and grey. Maybe I'm doin' it wrong.
You're doin' it wrooooong!! *does a little dance*
TP, you need to hit the save button at the bottom of your profile.
OOOOOOOH.... I never go to my OWN profile. Thanks, tracicle!
I believe this is being worked on by the guy who did Enso, which was majorly awesome (way better potential than Launchy, IMO...I'm still pissed at them for abandoning it). This is not as good, but it is very good.