August 24, 2008
Felis silvestris grampia
Meet the Scottish Wildcat
Rare, endangered, wild, and incredibly beautiful.
Perhaps we can save them before it's too late.
But is there one cat or two?
The Kellas Cat
More from the Scottish Wildcat Association
Touch not the cat but a glove.
What a braw beastie! I love the rippling shoulder muscles.
Great post! Thanks for this. What a kitty! BTW the "Meet the Scottish Wildcat" and "endangered" links are borked.
Felis silvestris grampia So, Sylvester the cat's grandfather?
OK, that's the second time my some of my links have been stolen. *glares* What's going on here? Meet the Scottish wildcat endangered Oh, and here's an extra to apologize because the linkies were borked. With some video goodness
You know that experience you have when you are thinking about something and it suddenly crops up again and again on tv or in conversation? I'd been thinking about that phrase Touch Not the Cat recently, and now this.
.. also had been toying with the idea of changing my name to Felix Silvestris. Get outa my head, woman.
OK, that's the second time my some of my links have been stolen. They weren't stolen, they ran away. Some links are too wild to tame.
> NA BEAN DO'N CHAT GUN LAMHAINN > Touch not the cat but a glove. Don't touch the cat without a glove, I think.
I can't get over that big, fine web of whiskers.
I believe the "but" here is used in an largely (outside Scotland) obsolete sense equivalent to "without", rory. See the first definition under preposition here. /Puffs pipe and leans back in easy chair, smirking in a smug pedantic fashion.
*tweaks Coppe's sporran*
Touch not the Coppe sporran but easy access to industrial-strength hand sanitiser, tickles.
That's pre-18th century idiom.
Terribly sorry for my error, Abiezer old chap, I was attempting a direct translation from the Gaelic, where I'd expect gun = without.
Who Will Replace The Immortal Highlander?
Fuck, is there ANYTHING they won't remake?
At least they never did that Ben Afleck J-Lo Casablanca...
Not that a remake with Madonna would be any better...
Cameras capture secret life of the 'Highland tiger'