July 09, 2008
Coolio! Bookmarked for later ripping off!
See? Now this is Intelligent Design -- see-through creatures in water! *ducks*
Stunnning. This one looks like a see-through uterus. This one I want to bring home and feed and love and call it Frank. Actually, the second one (blobby cowfish) has been making the rounds of internet sites, especially Cute Overload. You have to admit, he's pretty sweet.
I love this. ))))!
Mmmmmmm, creepyfishygood!
THIS is the bestest!
Fantastic link, Little Guy.
Grrr, linkies are not working for me.
stunning, homo! :) if you like this, y'all should go visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium and see the jellyfish exhibit before it closes September 1...
They're shutting down the jellyfish?! That's sad.
Saw them at the Monterey Bay Aquarium last year, thousands of them in a finely framed window into the tank. Nice enough to look at, but once I swam at the Jersey Shore with no one else in the water... Bad idea! Stinging transparent puppies all around me. Afterward, nursing swollen bites, a museum up the slope showed these lovely things living in tanks. All right then, they didn't kill me, but on a label they also described a deadly jellyfish called the sea skate, which though rare, has *killed on contact* !
Alright, they weren't really bites so much as multiple-poison-barbed floggings. But, to put a good face on it (for breakfast conversation), I didn't care! Bwa, ha, ha! I was the only one to have that experience, maybe in Internet history?
nope. i got attacked on vacation in the virgin islands once. it sucked.
Monkeyfilter: stunning, homo!
SMT: so sorry the linkie isn't working. As you can tell by the pic posted, it's magnif!
Isn't a sea skate like a sting ray?
thanks Nick, your check is in the mail.
Nickdanger is right. I recall that the sea skate caused death in New Jersey one time, according to a label at that museum, but that label must have been referring to the sting rays. The only thing transparent about them is the claim that they are jellyfish!
Links ended up working just fine for me - - perhaps I clicked during a brief moment of downtime. They are fantastic images...