July 08, 2008

100 Tanka poems, illustrated by Katsushika Hokusai, explained by a wet nurse.


  • Super Tanka!
  • There are no tanks inside.
  • Oh, this is so bookmarked.
  • Always the bridesmaid and never the bride. That aside, as I intimated in my last comment in that thread: 'Reduce the URL, explore and discover is the way.' Hannes Keller (physicist, mathematician, deep diving pioneer and entrepreneur) has with his Visipix site provided an incredible resource in regards to art and information.
  • Visipix is indeed a remarkable resource.
  • Lovely stuff, indeed. Thanks for the distraction, islander! Nobody [wet nurse] knows Emperors and Queens more intimately, starting from the sweet kisses of them as babies and down to their piss.