March 23, 2004
Matt Yglesias Says "InstaPundit really jumped the shark"
Here's what Matt Yglesias has to say:
Like a lot of people, I think InstaPundit really jumped the shark -- went from being a site I often disagreed with to just being some kind of nonsense -- during Glenn's comments on l'affaire Plame. But I checked today to see if he could redeem himself with something reasonable to say about Richard Clarke. In a word: No.
How is this FPP-worthy, Sully? I'll be the first to agree that Reynolds says some stupid stuff, but I'm not sure that pointing it out every two weeks or so is necessary for MoFi readers. Constant political snarking is kind of annoying, IMHO.
Sully is... the Instastalker!
I'll second f8xmulder. What are we discussing, whether Insta jumped the shark or not? Christ, I'd say when it first opened. Others would say otherwise. I'm going to pretend that this post was really about sharks. Megalodon was the largest living shark. /the more you know
The Megalodon was an ancient shark. It has probably died out by now. Officially, the whale shark is the largest living shark in the world right now. And fish too. And if you're interested in fooling around with sharks, here's a couple of games.
My favorite was Jump the Shark.
Sorry, wrong thread.
Sully is... the Instastalker! I thought Atrios had that covered already.
I thought this was FPP worthy.
How is this FPP-worthy, Sully? I'll be the first to agree that Reynolds says some stupid stuff, but I'm not sure that pointing it out every two weeks or so is necessary for MoFi readers. How about the fact that Wired News named Reynolds the most popular blogger in the world. To have someone like Yglesias say that Reynolds jumped the shark is a big deal. Like Reynolds, Yglesias scored a media job with his blog. Yglesias is not Atrios (or me). He is a moderate and popular news blogger who just said something that I'm sure will soon be linked around the internet.
I thought Atrios had that covered already. In that case, can we get past this whole Reynolds-is-a-tool-of-Big-Government meme of yours? I get that political FPPs are your thing - that's fine. But the Reynolds jumped the shark thing is kind of old. Like Pez said, since Instapundit opened shop it's jumped the shark. But, since you took the next step - if Reynolds jumped the shark, AND he's the most popular blogger in the world, then that means that a LOT of other people probably agree with Reynolds, which means that a lot of people are probably jumping the shark with him, which means that a lot of people probably agree with Reynolds, which means that Yglesias might be talking out of his ass as much as Reynolds does. Does Yglesias saying Reynolds jump the shark mean any more than Donald Luskin suing Atrios for libel (or was it slander)? I don't think so. In fact, this is even less meaningful. Yglesias disagrees with Reynolds a lot. Thus, I do not think it is FPP-worthy. Political blogosphere infighting, one-upmanship, and one blog refuting the words of another blog is, I'm sorry, very not FPP-worthy. Again, in my humble opinion.
Somehow I repeated myself in there...just ignore the repeated part...
All this talk about sharks has reminded me that I tried alligator meat for the first time two weeks ago. It tasted a little like swordfish mixed with chicken and wasn't particularly good. Had the meat been fresh I think it would have been better. Also, I got a new BMX video from my friend the other day. It had lots of jumping and was fairly awesome.
Hey Sully
the idiot By which I mean Reynolds, although I might equally mean Lileks, Nicedoggie, Kleine Green F
Or Atrios? Same business, just the other side of the fence. Though, it's not really a fence anymore. More an electrified wall topped with razors guarded by rabid St. Bernards and that's assuming you make it across the minefield. Anything to keep people from noticing the middle, which is filled with butterflies, clean renewable energy sources, hardworking morally upstanding non-judgemental do unto others types, and happiness. Also, a river of Everclear.
f8xmulder: Agree. I can't stand the whole "blogosphere", A-list, B-list crap. Wolof: I suspect this may be NZ's most popular blog; it's certainly the one people whine about the most if they don't like what it has to say and reference the most if they do.
well, 'nuff said on my end. Go Wolverines!
The big question is, Flying Shark vs. Flying Crocodile, who will win?
What kind of shark, ulotrichous?
Flying Shark wins, of course. Flying Shark always wins. (Well, nearly always.)
Flying Shark Vs Instapundit: Instapundit gets his arse kicked.
I think things like this are a great sign. For what it's worth, I've been perceiving a signifigant change in how things are being reported. People want answers and reasonable explainations for the problems this country is facing and "Look at the monkey! See how evil al-quaida is?? Look at the silly monkey!" isn't really working any more. It may be preaching to the choir/there they go again/ etc., but I'm always happy to see it. And honestly, even though I'm less inclined to read the political stuff that Sullivan posts than other more fluffy posts, I'm grateful for the links and the exposure I get just by reading the headlines. So thanks Sullivan!
Flying sharks.
How is this FPP-worthy, Sully? That's in the eye of the beholder. F8xmulder, I know you read Reynolds. That's your right. Please keep in mind I did not jump over you over you're views on gay marriage. My politics may be different than yours, but I at least respect the fact that you clearly stated your position. Yglesias's beef with Reynolds is that he will not even debate the merits of issues. Reynolds the blogger would not get a passing grade from Professor Reynolds law class. Reynolds does write good law pieces. I think the reason is he knows that his Instapundit and MSNBC writing would not carry weight with legal scholars. And he's right. Wolof, I have read Blair before. He has been over Lileks house and he pals around with Ken Layne and Matt Welch. For the record: Layne has been pretty nice to me. So I don't write about Layne's political blogging. Conflict of interest. I did rip his pal Tony Pierce (and Tony has linked me twice on his blog.) So, just because you're nice to me doesn't mean I won't rip you if I disagree with something you say. I also pick on Atrios. I posted before that I disagree with him about media bias. For the record: I think that conservatives such as Eugene Volokh and Dan Drezner write good blogs. They make good arguments. I may not agree with them, but I feel their points are valid.
heh. i heart mexican.
Sully, as I stated in a previous comment, I'm not jumping over your political views or your right to espouse them. Yglesias may have that particular beef with Reynolds, but why is he airing it now, after, what, four years of Reynolds blogging? Reynolds doesn't debate anything - he just posts a lot of links, sometimes with commentary. There's never been debate between Reynolds and anyone else, that I can see - it's all one sided. Why this should come as a surprise or matter of annoyance to Yglesias or anyone else is curious, but not necessarily newsworthy. Again, that is my opinion, and i'm not claiming I'm right. Just for the record, I'm certainly not defending Reynolds. I have enough beefs with him that I take what he says with a grain of salt. Yes, I read Reynolds, but that doesn't make me a follower. If that's what you were implying. If not, then it's my mistake.
Sully, I don't think f8x was taking issue with the politics of the post (I think this even less having just read his comment on preview), I think he was just saying that one blogger's opinion of another blogger - unbolstered by any extra links, any dissection of their past writing, any additional information or discussion of the wider issues at hand - is all a bit "so what?". It feels more like being campaigned at than being informed, entertained or debated with. It's an argument from authority, although given that I have no idea who this Yglesias dude is supposed to be, I can't actually be certain about the "authority" part of that. I do like many of your political posts - it'd be an odd, myopic little Filter this, if nobody paid any attention to the issues of the world - but just pointing out that such-and-such a person has a (hardly unexpected) opinion isn't much of a muchness, really. Sharkwise, while the great "Is it real?" question may never be answered, at least we now know who wins.
I don't believe that, flashboy.