July 03, 2008
11 Best Foods You Aren't Eating.
Really long NYT article with technical lingo on what foods we should be eating for better health. To save you time, I've condensed the list. Presented without further editorial comment:
1. Motherfuckin' beets.
2. Cabbage.
3. Swiss chard: They protect the Pope and are also green and leafy.
4. Cinnamon: Sometimes spelled cinammon.
5. Pomegranate juice: A type of juice.
6. Dried Plums. The food previously known as pruny prune-faced prune fruit.
7. Pumpkin seeds: These are packed with magnesium. Also available in .44 hollow point.
8. Sardines: Mash them up, use as a spread or as figurines.
9. Turmeric: Sounds like tumor. Don't think about that.
10. Frozen blueberries: a.k.a. "tundra testicles"
11. Canned Pumpkin: i see the big-assed can, but where da seeds at?
crackpunkin. I am eating a sardine sandwich on toast right NOW with iced green tea as a chaser. There may be a couple sliced kiwi fruit in my future, also. Later there will be punkin bars for dessert. YUM!peoplemonkeys in third world countries, you know.