July 01, 2008

Fish School! My officemate got one of these at a conference last week. The best part of the web site is the video. And they have a live streaming FishCam!

"The Fish School webcam shows Comet, the world's smartest common goldfish, along with his sidekick Brainiac, swimming around their tank, and demonstrating tricks during twice daily training sessions."

  • Captains Bligh and Henry didn't do no tricks, but we all loved each other anyway. :(
  • Part of me feels sad for those pets that now have to earn their keep (and in general for all 'show-business' animals), but in the other hand, guess any distraction is welcomed for a being trapped in a tank all day...
  • Must say, I hate Axe commercials. Although, I am tempted to tell anyone that really does spend hours in front of a fish tank teaching a fish to swim through a tube to get a life. Even if it doesn't include women in their undies. Get a laser pointer and a cat, for heaven's sake!
  • :(
  • Oh, no, no, no, Capt. I wasn't referring to you and Bligh and Henry! Why, anyone could tell they had personalities and were part of the family. Just little entertainers, both of them. They probably could have taught YOU tricks if they had wanted to. Help me out here, somebody. I'm gagging on this foot.
  • Monkeyfilter: Get a laser pointer and a cat, for heaven's sake!
  • So much for them only having 3 second memories, then, eh?
  • I think this looks neato. Of course, I can't even train my excessively nervous, excessively cute chihuahua to do tricks, so I might not be smart enough for it.
  • I saw a three-legged dog in Brighton.
  • I saw a no-legged horse in Hemel Hempstead.