June 30, 2008
French Film?
In need of help from bi-lingual monkeys. The BF of almost 2 years has a birthday coming up, and I have thought of an almost perfect gift.
He was fluent in French up until HS thanks to a language-immersion program as a tot, but now can only read. He'd like to regain the old speaking/listening skills, so I thought a few French-language books or movies for his birthday would be great... However, I don't speak French and I have no knowledge of French films or books. I wondered if any monkeys could suggest some good ones? He's got a pretty wide taste, no chick stuff would be about the only qualification. I place my trust in you monkeys...
cheatsee how well he did. If you’d want something a bit more serious, Amélie Nothomb. Not too difficult a level of French, and some fairly interesting stuff. The kids all love her.