June 08, 2008
The Problem with Palm Oil.
New website shows which shampoos, foods kill lovable primates.
Having only yesterday returned from Malaysian Borneo, and being professionally concerned about the captioned subject, I hereby attest to the wonder of the orange Utan forest-fellow; my blurred photos (I discover) but a fleeting memory of his shyful sylval arm-bulations. Clearer my digitals would easily have grasped the endless and horizon-hugging plantations of palm, whose fruits, shunted from the trunks' head with brute and labourious force, heavy the lorries down crumbling roads to swell with profit endless products of manufacture. It weeps and worries that we might taste not a chocolate, rub not a facial tincture, and buy not a biofuel without complicity in the creep of that ravager of biodiversity. So, in summary - nice link.
Anybody notice that most of the foods listed are absolute crap? Not good for ANY primate. Good link. Thanks. Now what's quid on about? *shakes head* weirdo
"Now what's quid on about? *shakes head* weirdo" At least he's back. I'd begun to worry....
I just tried to email the kid at the address in his profile, and got 17 windows stacking up with a fail message on the one on top. Quid! Come home, Quid.
I keed because I love our quid!!
But when quidnunc the kid gets here, Ev'rybody's gonna jump for joy. Come all without, come all within, You'll not see nothing like the mighty quid.
Ev'ryMonkey's 'neath the trees, Feeding pigeons on a limb But when Quid the Eskimo gets here, All the pigeons gonna sit on him!
Between high fructose corn syrup and now palm oil, it's becoming damn hard to feel good about eating anything these days.
Here comes Quidquorpse! Here comes Quidquorpse! Right down Buggery Lane! Kit and the Captain and all other monkeys are in for nothing tame! Alarm bells ringing, children cringing; But we’re all merry and bright. Take a number and say your prayers, 'Cause Quidquorpse comes tonight! Here comes Quidquorpse! Here comes Quidquorpse! Right down Buggery Lane! He's got a sack that is filled with toys for all the monkeys again! Hear those cold balls jingle jangle, What a beautiful sight! Jump in bed, sex up the dead, 'Cause Quidquorpse comes tonight!
*stomps, whistles, lights things on fire*
*pours wassail*
Cockpunch, shurely.
Great, now you all scared him back away!
Study: Orangutan populations declining sharply
This is what we'll be destroying...
Nobody likes to be upstaged by a big monkey!
Leuser, the Sumatran orangutan shot 62 times – in pictures: A moving story of an orangutan who was rescued from being sold as a gift, reintroduced to the wild only to be captured again by villagers who shot him repeatedly for fun
Ecological disaster looms for rain forests of Sumatra