June 05, 2008

3 Ideas That Are Pushing the Edge of Science - 1: Spermobots. 2: Fusion On Tap. 3: Two-Time Physics.
  • Interesting post, thanks. The 2T physics thing is fascinating conceptually, if a bit difficult to wrap your brain around. Also sounds like it'd be a very difficult thing to prove. As for fusion, that sounds wonderful, but the "clean, cheap, safe energy at last" drum has been beaten for a while now. I'm not inclined to hold my breath until I see a finished product. The new solar cell technology looks to be a more immediate (and free, not counting installation costs) alternative.
  • Can't wait for the Spermobots animated series...
  • Wind, waves, geothermal, and sun. When are we ever going to get it straight? Cue the Spermobots jokes. I'm sure there's a million of 'em. Can't quite get my head around the two-time physics and what it's supposed to do for us. Already there are some days I meet myself coming and going. It isn't good.