June 05, 2008
3 Ideas That Are Pushing the Edge of Science
- 1: Spermobots. 2: Fusion On Tap. 3: Two-Time Physics.
Interesting post, thanks. The 2T physics thing is fascinating conceptually, if a bit difficult to wrap your brain around. Also sounds like it'd be a very difficult thing to prove. As for fusion, that sounds wonderful, but the "clean, cheap, safe energy at last" drum has been beaten for a while now. I'm not inclined to hold my breath until I see a finished product. The new solar cell technology looks to be a more immediate (and free, not counting installation costs) alternative.
Can't wait for the Spermobots animated series...
Wind, waves, geothermal, and sun. When are we ever going to get it straight? Cue the Spermobots jokes. I'm sure there's a million of 'em. Can't quite get my head around the two-time physics and what it's supposed to do for us. Already there are some days I meet myself coming and going. It isn't good.