May 05, 2008
Phallic bomb shelters of Nazi Germany.
First appearing in 1936, they were quickly dubbed "cigarette stubbs" or "sugar beet heads". Officially they were called Winkeltürme (Winkel Towers)- after their architect Leo Winkel of Duisburg. Winkel patented his design in 1934, and in the following years Germany built 98 Winkeltürme of five different types.
This is the second post from this webpage in five days. It takes forever to load and it isn't that good.
Have a snack. Take a nap. Lighten up.
A fine post. I've never seen or heard of these Winkel Towers before... thanks for sharing, 50! The page loaded just fine for me...
It looks like a penis, and it stops me getting blowed up! Was there nothing those Nazis couldn't achieve?
Heehee, Winkel.
I love the Sleeping Beauty-esque-ness of this one.
Could you possibly mean Rapunzel?
ya, Rapunzel makes some sense...
Sleeping Beauty had the castle covered in thorns, though.
And this is more like one BIG thorn.