March 19, 2004

A Boy Scout, a Nuclear Breeder Reactor, and the Fallout - This story is from 1998, but very fascinating. A teenager built his own nuclear workshop where he made neutron guns and a breeder reactor--all for his Boy Scout Merit badge. This is the story of what happened during his experiments and when the government found out.
  • What a great article! I wonder what the spin on it would have been like if it had happened in the last few years.
  • Fascinating tale of youthful perseverance in the face of adult indifference. It seems a shame his parents could think of nothing more constructive to do with this promising youngster than thrust him into the navy. Thanks, f8xmulder.
  • Excellent read. It was fascinating and sobering to read about this resourceful kid and how people were willing to help him get the information and materials he needed without thinking twice. He's lucky that this all happened before 9/11, or he'd probably be doing time now with John Walker Lindh.
  • Excellent article. It's amazing the power just one person can have.
  • I was just telling someone about this story the other day and they didn't believe me. I couldn't find the article anywhere on the internet (yeah, maybe I had some details wrong). What a lucky day it is, to be proved right when all have doubted.
  • There was a documnetary about this about a year ago on channel 4, here in Britain. I can't find anything about it though. Although, come to think about it, I might be thinking of this guy.
  • They've got a book about it as well.
  • Fascinating story. This young man has lost a lot more than 5 years of his life. (I'm including the time he's spent in the Navy. )
  • Gee, wasn't there a movie based on this story about twenty years ago? Hmm...