March 26, 2008

'Fat Bandit' believed to be fat, not wearing a fat-suit.
  • Yeah, but they need to take a core sample, just to be sure.
  • Oh, man, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later: Obesity Profiling.
  • And what a profile! Enh? ENH?
  • Monkeyfilter: his beard, however, is a fake
  • So, what was up with this guy's physique to make them think it was a fat suit in the forst place? Were the bulges in odd places? Not jiggly enough?
  • This changes everything.
  • What a bunch of maroons... of course it's SANTA CLAUS, wtf else is he going to do in the off season? they said he needed to have some form of transportation, why not the sleigh? them reindeer need exercise, don't they? as for the fake beard, don't you think he shaves it off on Boxing Day so people leave him alone?
  • You guyz are crackin' me up. Rocky Road all over the keyboard. Ooops, hey guys, this is like diet Rocky Road. No calories. Love, < small>BlueHorse< /small>
  • That Rocky Road went straight to your tags, Gramma. *runs*
  • /munchies
  • of course it's SANTA CLAUS, wtf else is he going to do in the off season? That's probably where he gets all the toys from.
  • *drops spoon, waddles gallops after Flagie with her teeth bared