March 17, 2008

3-17-08 Never Forget: The leprechaun invasion has begun. (Youtube)
  • shouldnt that be 3-17-08?
  • Happy birfday, Medusa! Just got back from the Corktown, where some grown man in his fifties, a man of a short stature with red hair and a balding pate, was dressed up in a leprechaun outfit, handing out "Kiss Me I'm Irish" buttons from out of his little black pot. Hard way to make a living...
  • thanks Capt!! I turned 40 today. yikes!
  • Happy Birthday Medusa!
  • Happy Birthday, indeed!!
  • Felicitations, O Snakey One! And thanks for the 'toon, Marrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk. I celebrated St. Patrick's Day by lying in bed and watching old episodes of "The Prisoner." Damn, that Patrick McGoohan was a hunk.
  • Happy birthday, Medusa! And Cap'n...the last time I was at the Corktown I was 17 and completely wasted. The leprechaun may have been there too.
  • Happy Birthday Medusa! Underpants Monster: what a great way to spend the day. "All you need is love", "The Knee bone's connected to the leg bone." WTF was I just watching?
  • Happy birthday Medusa, I hope you have many festive leprechauns to celebrate with!
  • Oh, yeah, 3-17. I guess I forgot.
  • (thanks Tracicle)
  • Oh! And happy birthday, medusa!
  • Happy b-day Gorgon!! You accidentally said "40", though. I'm pretty sure your correct age is "28 again". Say it with me ...
  • thank you all for lovely bday wishes, but most of all Koko, cause she's so smart!
  • Holy Mothra, that's a great idea. I would love to see it catch on a la Talk Like a Pirate Day.