March 14, 2008

Google Sky, peoples.

We've mentioned desktop Google Earth's galactic feature before, but this is web based. Hit the 'historical' button in the upper right for a blast from the past.

  • I thought it would be all blue. Or, right now, grey.
  • Excellent. Cheers
  • And because it's Friday and this seems like as good a place to stick this as any: flying saucer house for sale.
  • Speaking of Google Sky, Moon, etc... Has anyone seen some of the HD imagery of the moon being sent back to Earth from Japan's Selene project?
  • Celine Dion was invented by the Japanese? That explains everything.
  • can we send her back to them?
  • Hmmmm, I think I'll bid. an entrance staircase that retracts with the push of a button Just what's needed for avoiding those pesky visitors and in-laws!!
  • Slightly off-topic and probably not of intergalactic import, I read in today's local paper that my humble little city was written up in Time Mag as the "capital of Google Earth". The .kml files can be found here. I just hope that this doesn't encourage more of them pesky Albertan aliens to come here looking for real estate. Today the earth, tomorrow the galaxy!