March 12, 2008

Status Quo fan hangs himself after wife left him for Quo guitarist Rick Parfitt - it wasn't until December 2003 that, quite naturally & normally for any red blooded male, Mr Hewitt agreed to let Rick sleep with his wife - as long as he could join in. I mean, this *is* Rick Parfitt we are talking about. Warning: Daily Fail

Status Quo suck. I hate them with the explosive ferocity of a thousand boiling suns. Also, I have no sympathy with this guy. I'm sorry. Probably I'll get reincarnated as Francis Rossi.

  • From the story, it sounds like he only got suicidally depressed after the wife left Rick and moved on to another man. Maybe he could understand her leaving him as long as it was for somebody he approved of.
  • Picture of a matchstick man...
  • I'm convinced Status Quo were the inspiration for Spinal Tap.
  • I always thought they were, too, but apparently it is said to be the German band Scorpions. However Tap's transition from hippy to rock in early 70s is near identical to Quo. I should imagine there are tons of influences in there. Harry Shearer toured with Saxon in 1981, so he doubtless soaked up a lot of behind the scenes stories.