March 10, 2008
Human, all too human?
[NYT] New York Governor Eliot Spitzer linked to a high-end prostitution ring. Stay tuned for devastating puns.
At least he didn't go to the Shrimp Pimp. Still a waste, though.
Women? Adult females? That's oddly refreshing for a ploitician.
Why is prostitution illegal anyway? Is it really a moral failing for someone to want some company, of whatever sort? Unless SHE was forced into it somehow, I don't see it as a huge deal. Of course, I don't vote in NY....
Since no-one else is commenting – perhaps I might get things started? First off, I like Spitzer. He had an incredible run as Attorney General, taking on some powerful people and institutions on the public’s behalf. That he was motivated by personal ambition, I didn’t care so much – I took it as a matter of fact for all politicians of his class. He was certainly self-serving with his prosecutions, but there was a substantial public benefit to them as well. However. He’s obliged to uphold the law, and so far, it seems he didn’t. Some may talk about the hypocrisy of the man, in that he busted prostitution rings and then (apparently) engaged the services of prostitutes as well. And while there is a note of hypocrisy there, I don’t consider it to be of Senator Craig levels – he busted prostitution rings, but it certainly wasn’t his raison d’etre. He busted lots of things. I also wouldn’t brush off this affair by saying that prostitution is a ‘victimless crime’. Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. Here, where it looks like there was consent between all parties, perhaps it was victimless. That’s not the point. The point is that it’s still an illegal activity (rightly or wrongly), and that as a public official, he’s obliged to uphold the law. That’s where the hypocrisy comes in. Mostly, though, I feel like this is all such a waste. Spitzer was one of the good guys (relatively speaking, of course), who served the public well. That so smart a guy should fall for something so careless and dumb – perhaps it’s all Freudian, that he wanted to get caught – it’s just senseless and wasteful. Particularly as he seemed to have so much potential before him. I don’t really care what the crime is. He can’t break the law and be in charge of upholding it. [on preview -- r88 commented first -- it does seem rather Old Skool, doesn't it? And five grand an hour? I kinda want to know what that would buy me, too.]
I was hoping that he would admit to being a member of a male escort service. I can picture the ads in the back pages of the local alternative weeklies - Tired of being screwed by the government? Want to turn the tables? GOVERNOR SPITZER LOOKALIKE 9"
five grand an hour *rethinks career choice*
five grand an hour Every day, and in every way, law school is looking to have been a dumb move.
I happened to be doing a show for Family Planning (with the Capitol Steps) in Albany today and the audience was pretty damn depressed. The organizers instructed us not to mention "it". Which is pretty frustrating as the group has made its reputation primarily from sex scandals. To be in Albany, in the shadow of the Capitol and not mention it?! Grrrrr. Oh and BTW, what a freakin' sleazebag!
Women? Adult females? That's oddly refreshing for a ploitician. You said it, Rocket! offered a vague public apology Actually, I think that was a damn straight up, doggone GOOD apology...fer a ploitician. *You may all consider that I have given the man a backhand complement equivalent to being slapped upside the head with a twelve-day-old flounder Now the rest of them arsehole ploiticians, there's some REALLY freakin' vague apologies fer ya. On the one hand, I really don't give a rat's blue buttocks who anybody screws as long as it's consensual, however, I am appalled that he's such a sleeze that he feels free to condemn others using prostitution and selectively upholds the law. Hypocrite indeed! As far as "victimless crime", I believe society suffers when women sell themselves, but hot dog, ladies, I'm glad you're charging those johns more than the minimum wage!
The Smoking Gun is on the case. "Is it safe?"
And, speaking professionally, that was a superb "apology". The evasion of the exact topic at hand, the non-denial denial, the sleight of hand, little leger de main, implied accusation, and retreat into self-righteousness. Brilliant. Didn't admit anything dangerous, legally-speaking, yet appeared to deal with the topic frankly.
The Post shares the fun: Write Your Own Post Headline
Y'know, in this day and age, politicians shouldn't get married. That way, the inevitable sex scandal loses some of its sting.
I prefer to call women of the night 'Tantric engineers'.
We can't have hypocrites in office. For example, how could the President faithfully execute laws against drunk driving if he was a drunk driver himself? posted by mullingitover at 1:03 PM on March 10 Of course, they're eating it up over in the Blue Some great comments
It looks like the Bush Justice Department just bagged themselves another Democratic Governor.
My current rate is four grand an hour. Call 555-FISTO for a good time.
Couldn't I just get a home Fisto Kit?
five grand an hour Not quite, looks like it was about 4 hours+ travel expenses and some of the money was for future frolics. he had $500 + the brown envelope deposit of ?, and he owed them $2700. Probably ~$1000 an hour including expenses and travel time, so not very 'high class' after all
Less than pr0n star Amy Reid is currently charging for a 'date'.
How much for Cappy for half an hour? I can cash in my penny jar if I have to.
Probably ~$1000 an hour including expenses and travel time, so not very 'high class' after all Well, I'm relieved to hear that- I mean if a hooker was charging me $5500/hr, she would, after providing me with the requisite 'gasm (and wearing a Banana suit fitted with the appropriate cut-out holes, of course), she'd really have to refinish my kitchen to make it completely worthwhile.
Haw haw.
Turns out the Post's headline was "HO NO". Personally, I was rooting for "ELIOT: BONE HOME".
And the Daily News as "PAY FOR LUV GOV", which is, well, a bit disappointing, frankly.
You know, if I were his wife, I'd be pissed about him sleeping with other women. I'd be even more pissed about how much of MY MONEY he spent to do it. But I'd be the most pissed that he was such a goddamn cliche.
The wife is pretty hawt, too, so I'm inclined to think it was more of a power-trip thing than a bored-of-screwing-my-wife thing. Mind you, we don't yet know what that "unsafe" stuff was -- maybe the wife wasn't into it. I'm sure we'll find out much more than we're entitled to know. Watching the wife stand beside him yesterday, I saw more embarrassed disappointment than surprise, so who knows what the story is. And I really should learn the woman's name, instead of referring to her as 'the woman' and 'the wife'. Meh.
That would be
Slida Wall.
29 day marriage, eh? Husband No. 1 must have wanted some seriously unsafe nookie...
Thinking about it over lunch, isn't it kinda odd that the guy could get away for the weekend? Doesn't the guy have police protection or something? Shurely, he just can't shirk off his cover?
Probably a bit of the nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more.
Spitzer might try to hang on. I love it. Either he's waiting for the polling to be finished (no pun intended), or he can use his resignation as a bargaining chip with prosecutors. Professionally speaking (no pun intended), if he's holding out to cut a deal -- that's just brilliant. Good for him. Sure, he's holding the State hostage in the process, but good for him!
It's sad that so many relationships just come down to sex - or lack of. and Kamus, I was hoping for a boiler service while she's at it It's all relative you know ...
I've got the videotape, you guys! I'm RICH!
How much for Cappy for half an hour? I can cash in my penny jar if I have to. posted by kitfisto at 02:10PM UTC on March 11, 2008 Halvsies?
Yep Really,
Halvsies? Don't tease the cap'n. You know how he gets.
Spitzer will resign.
Spitzer Quitz?
This is especially troubling to me, since he's been a big supporter of the program I work for at budget time.
Also troubling for Moneyjane...
Monkeyfilter: Don't tease the cap'n.
The Washington Post sends two reporters to find out what $4,300.00 buys these days. (Apparently, a girl who keeps her mouth shut, after having not.)
Vid of the resignation speech available here. Oh, that poor woman. I don't think she knows what planet she's on.
Yeah, gobsmacked. You know they only stay with the bastards for the money.
A bad week for celebrity institutions: first Spitzer, now this... Mary Ann Busted For Mary Jane!
"Kristen" identified. Mesdames et monsieurs, je vous presente Mademoiselle Dupré. I'd hit it, but I don't have the scratch.
See, here's the thing. She is, of course, gorgeous. And going with the highest-dollar of companies means absolute minimal risk re: itchy pee-pee or blithering idiot "companion." But for those prices, that vagina had damn well better have super powers. I'm talking Bene Gesserit-level awesomeness. Or at least be able to perform a ventriloquism act while my penis is inside of it. I'm thinking a George Burns imitation, mostly because the cigar would be taken care of.
"Dupre told the Times she worried about paying her rent in a ninth-floor Manhattan apartment after her boyfriend recently left her. She said she was considering moving back in with her family in New Jersey." Well. That puts it in perspective, doesn't it? Whore yourself, or live in Jersey. Sorry, Medusa. The jokes, they write themselves.
I'd go with the whoring myself too, given that choice. Not that that is a particular option for me.
Kristen speaks. Let this be a lesson, kids: never MySpace.
Her MySpace page. See how long you can scroll through the creepy comments.
How much you wanna bet that within a year Ashley Alexandra Dupré is a nouveau celebrity, has a reality show, and we have all seen her naked on the internet? Glad to hear she has a lawyer, I'll bet she also (now) has an agent.
"what destroys me, strengthens me." Er... no. It doesn't work that way. If you come out of it stronger, then by default you weren't destroyed.
Well, she's as dumb as a rock. Makes more money than me, though, but then again I don't have to fuck ugly rich men.
Ashley Dupre has left the building. Makes rent in an hour or two. (I really was a moron for going to law school...) And I doubt anyone saw this coming based on her yearbook photos. Pretty, yes. Five grand an hour pretty, idunno.
Maybe she'll be moving to the Penthouse.
Photos exclusive to the New York Post, where it looks like she's giving herself her monthly exam. Following that, for chastizing purposes, pictures of her entire family. I need a shower, now.
And I thought that 'X' on her hand was one of those underage things you get at the door, but it looks like a tattoo. Why would someone get a tattoo of a bouncer's mark?
It appears that she intends to handle her own assets.
I don't get why she wasn't arrested. Prostitution is still illegal in NY and DC, right?
Hey I wonder what Britney's up to? Hey, isn't there a thread around here for Britney updates? There is?! Wow let's all go over there and post in the Britney thread! Yeah pete's right let's go read the Britney thread! Yeah! Whooo!
Why is pete trying to divert our attention from this thread? Is there something we should know? Why would someone get a tattoo of a bouncer's mark? So she can keep getting back in, DUH.
"In an explosive interview with The Post, the McGreeveys' self-professed man in the middle, Teddy Pedersen... "Man in the middle." God, I love the Post.
There is just no good excuse for his not shortening his name to "Tederson." Do I have to do everything for everybody, always?!?
There is just no good excuse for you not shortening your name to "Thunderpantster."
*hangs head in shame* Newspeaker, newspeak thyself.
Speaking of threesomes, enter Charlie Sheen.
Being blind doesn't stop New York's new governor from scoping other women. It does excuse him from having crap choice in hotels, though.
And, early 90s aside, what's up with her wedding dress? Why is he dressed better than her? Did they pick out each other's clothes? OK, enough of the disability jokes. No more. Unless they're really funny.
"Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen is refuting a report that he allegedly hired the same call girl involved in the Eliot Spitzer scandal for a fantasy-themed threesome." Fuck, you'd definitely want to wear a condom if Charlie Sheen could be client 1 through 8...
Dupre was underage in "Girls Gone Wild" video.
Spitzer liked to watch. Also, a link to a gallery of Dupre's GGW photos, still with her factory-model tits.
"If it becomes an overwhelming urge to the detriment of your professional and familial relationships - if it starts to screw up your life - that is addictive behavior," said Dr. Jeffrey Gardere, a clinical psychologist. Or he could be a guy.
Yeah, I lent him a copy of Playboy a few years ago. He was totally, like, I only look at it for the articles and shit.
Surprised the Post didn't go with "SPITZER GETS OFF". And the "HO YES" rips off their own "HO NO". They're capable of so much better. Worse. Better. Whatever.
Famous Prostitute Ashley Dupre Gives Interview Months After People Stopped Caring. [teh 'kette]
And the requisite link to the Post. "Hooker opens up..." Aah, the Post. Bless 'em.
Seven Careers For Ashley Dupre.
Where's the line of suggestive clothing/lingerie, the ubiquitous "Eau de Ashley", or even better - the "Dupre Triple Distilled Vodka" in a re-usable bottle?