March 07, 2008

Man buried alive saved by positive thinking, Buddhist meditation, and air trapped in his hat - 'Doctors were astounded, saying that a person could normally not live longer than five minutes in a similar sealed space. One local doctor said: “It’s a miracle that he’s alive after being buried for two hours.”'
  • AND his handy all-in-one pocket mountain goat. DON'T FAIL TO FLOAT - CARRY YOUR GOAT.
  • wow...
  • Stupid Positive Thinking *shakes puny fist. I'll get you yet! I guess I'd be a goner.
  • you & me both, Capn_Marrrrrrk. I like to think that I've raised curmudgeonly pessimism to an art form.
  • Oh, you hu-mons and your wacky thoracic air bladders!
  • Big deal. Cain did shit like this all the time on Kung Fu.
  • The article is kind of vague on some important facts. At one part they make it sound like it took two hours to completely dig him out and free him, while another part makes it sound like it took two hours just to find his helmet (and start giving him fresh air. If it's the former then he started getting fresh air way sooner than two hours. (I'm not knocking the power of positive thinking, nor of meditation. But it seems like they are making a larger claim than what happened, when what happened was impressive enough.)
  • Man buried alive saved by positive thinking, Buddhist meditation, and air trapped in his hat So it wasn't like, them digging him out 'n' stuff?
  • The Metro this morning says he was buried for twenty minutes (not that the Metro is any authority). I see this has been cross-posted, btw.
  • Admirer as I am of the marvellous dharma and its breath techniques, this man and countless millions of others would have been better protected by a trade union movement and some proper health and safety legislation of Chinese building sites.
  • But then I would say that, wouldn't I.
  • Digging a five-metre ditch by hand without supporting the walls probably isn't best practice H&S, certainly.
  • Next you'll be telling me holding this lit firecracker is a bad idea. Bah!
  • Can you say he was saved by Buddhist techniques without a control worker buried under the exact same conditions? Can we test out one of those Falun Gong guys while we're at it?
  • It's like I always say, never turn your back on a giant wall of mud. I thought I could trust my mud wall, and it cleaned out my bank account and ran off with my sister. I should have seen the warning signs when it came home drunk every night ranting about being in love with my sister. I don't even have a sister!! You just never know what a wall of mud is capable of.
  • Quit knocking kit. He's allright.
  • I invented the wall of mud technique in music recording. Didn't really take off. More sort of collapsed.
  • Goodness, gracious, great walls o' mud!
  • Dear TUM, Whilst I generally hold your comments in the highest esteem, and find you to be genuinely witty; I'm coming out of lurker hiding to inform you that your last comment fell flat. Like a mud wall. with love, Zanshin
  • TUMFTLOSE. OH how the mighty have FALLEN! Like so many meters of MUD.
  • "Meters". Heh. You crazy Americans, with your Webster's Dictionaries...