March 06, 2008

Did chimp and human ancestors interbreed? - The earliest known ancestors of modern humans might have reproduced with early chimpanzees to create a hybrid species, a new genetic analysis suggests. Fundies are gonna love this.
  • well I am a bit tipsy, and I haven't RTFA but it seems so sensible, so likely, that this did happen, that I wonder at it being such an issue of the horse & donkey care that their offspring will be sterile? nookie happens.
  • I think I read something very similar to this last year. I'll look for it later.
  • Monkeyfilter: Nookie happens.
  • What a crock of crap! Somebody ought to shoot the writer and shoot twice whoever did that crap-for-diagram. The way it's written leaves the reader with the image of some football player gettin' it on with a lipsticked monkey. Chimpanzees and humans Did. Not. Interbreed. The split between the ancestors of what would eventually become humans and chimpanzees occurred in the Pliocene.The genus Homo didn't even come onto the scene until the Pleistocene. Homo sapiens sapiens didn't show up until 150,000 years ago. Apparently the writer must think there's some real long-distance monkey screwing going on. A species isn't complete until it separates enough to produce offspring that are sterile--like most ligers and mules. Sex and evolution are messy business, but this article wasn't written to inform, more to incite. bleah
  • You're just trying to clear your reputation.
  • As if there is a split!
  • everybody's got something to hide 'cept me and my monkey.