March 05, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the world's first major virus for Macs.
Video link here. Sheer I-wish-I'd-thought-of-that genius. Pranksters ahoy!
Well, I thought it was funny, in a wish-I-had-a-Mac kinda way. But can you actually get it to install instantly by plugging in the usb, or is a more hands-on approach required?
I don't think autorun would be possible from a USB drive onto Mac OS X without prior knowledge of su or root passwords. Someone's having a laugh with the accelerometer gizmo.
I've got a couple of friends with MacBooks, and goddamn I want to pull this on them. Like fish tick, in a weird way it makes me want a MacBook even more.
You want me even more? Can that be possible? *giggle*
*blushes, fans self coquettishly*
*goes shopping for really expensive shit*
Hey, hbs, can you grab me an iPhone?