March 03, 2008

How to spot a Tagger In most cases, the difference between graffiti being art or a crime is PERMISSION! via.
  • proper via link and the graphic that amused me so:
  • Is your child a Zapatista?
  • Self-portrait, Nick?
  • I'll never tell.
  • Queso's graphic amuses me because at college today a lecturer was talking about the re-emergence of vitamin D deficiency (and rickets) in children because of extensive use of sunscreen. One of the women in my class put up her hand and said she'd heard it was because of hoodies. Damn hoodies.
  • We could do with a re-emergence of cricket in children back home, whatever they're wearing.
  • What is this cricket you speak of, grasshopper?
  • It's a system of organised humiliation of English people by small groups of men from a variety of our former colonies.
  • The differences between tagging, graffiti, and street art are not well defined and extremely subjective. I enjoy watching colourful painted boxcars roll by at a level crossing, they're a vast improvement to the original. Tagging a sign on the side of a road with your personal squiggly line symbol, however, is utterly stupid and I'd love to see those perpetrators subjected to a mouthful of spray paint. I like the way Paul Graham put it when he said "Graffiti happens at the intersection of ambition and incompetence: people want to make their mark on the world, but have no other way to do it than literally making a mark on the world."
  • Tagging a sign on the side of a road with your personal squiggly line symbol, however, is utterly stupid and I'd love to see those perpetrators subjected to a mouthful of spray paint. Agreed. Even more stupid is when tagging is done on top of existing advertizing -- making it nothing more than a substitution of one brand for another. No better than a dog leaving his mark. Which is totally different than me and my Sharpie correcting poor grammar and spelling on professionally-produced ads. Then, I'm just serving the greater common good.
  • Captain R., meet The Grammar Vandal.
  • A tagger? In Africa?
  • It's a system of organised humiliation of English people by small groups of men from a variety of our former colonies. *coffee spittake* And Lara, that Grammar Vandal site kicks ass.