February 20, 2008

Can Scientists Dance? After watching Simone Recchi's "Dynamical and chemical evolution of blue compact dwarf galaxies", I tend towards NO.
  • Oh this is brilliant. I think something like it should definitely replace the usual thesis defence.
  • I am a scientist. I can't dance. I am a single data point, true, but still. I can do the "high school prom cling to each other and slowly turn in a circle at nearly an approximation of the actual tempo of the song currently playing" dance, but my wife always screws it up by trying to turn to quickly, so I end up acting as a drag on the rotation, which invariably ends in both of us giggling at her utter lack of concentration on the music and my futile attempts to get her to hear the tempo. But that one time at my friends wedding when they played the YMCA song we had a shining moment, when she was relaxed enough (thanks to a couple of glasses of Argentinean Malbec) to allow me to use her arms like a semaphore flag, doing all the Y-M-C-A bit, while she snickered and tried not to fall over due to my enthusiastic "help" in her dance routine. SO, no. Scientists can't dance. But we're quite amusing when given enough to drink (you, or us, or both, doesn't matter so long as someone is enjoying the effort).
  • I guess the candidates at our agricultural college could do some kind of rain dance. Or Morris dancing.
  • Is it wrong of me that I masturbated to this?