February 19, 2008

Beautiful plumage? A Stackwatcher's guide to plume types and smoke density grades (as applied to the Hammer).
  • This appears to be a resource set up by the govt to allow citizens to monitor the stacks for foul emissions and call in to report it. The main issue I see here is that most people, long-time residents included, can't tell smoke from steam, and will be calling in every time one of the mills cools down a batch of new steel (which happens about 100 times a day). The real problem is the wispy yellow-brown stuff that comes out of the coke battery stacks and blankets the city when the wind comes out of the east on an overcast day. *sniff* I miss my city.
  • I should have linked the blog, although it doesn't seem to have been updated lately.
  • My question regarding the stacks was why no-one had ever stuck a boiler generator in top of the fire plumes. Irregular as they are, if you could stick a generator on there and feed the electricity back into the grid, Stelco and Dofasco would do a lot to reduce their massive hydro bills. So much energy just being wasted. But, IANAE.