February 13, 2008

"Do you want our Chinese women? We can give you ten million." What a cheeky old crackpot the late Chairman was. "Mao continued, 'By doing so we can let them flood your country with disaster and therefore impair your interests. In our country we have too many women, and they have a way of doing things.They give birth to children and our children are too many.'"
  • Maosogyny.
  • He should have kept them. It's estimated that by 2020 China will have around 30 million surplus men. Or, he could have sent them to India, where they will have about the same number. Of course, it's traditionally easier to get rid of surplus males by putting them all into the army and starting some wars. Silly Mao, always Leaping and never looking.
  • Well, his plan worked- our house is overrun with two Chinese girls and I can tell you that they certainly have "a way of doing things" and they have, on at least one occasion, flooded the bathroom with disaster. Me and Mrs. Kamus are very afraid and just waiting for the final, terrible step in their fiendish plan.
  • Spot on briank. What a silly old loon. I presume the impending gender imbalance disaster wasn't apparent when he was meeting tricky Dicky. That came with sex selected abortions after family planning became rural policy number one, I believe, which post-dates their chat. I read some very depressing article that basically said if you have a surfeit of unmarried young men, you will inevitably have internal strife if you don't opt for your external war Plan B.
  • Don't be taken in, as we were, by their seemingly innocent appearance. They exist solely to carry out Mao's plan with a steely fanaticism that is disturbing in the extreme.
  • That feather boa looks cute, but becomes a deadly kung fu weapon with a flick of well-trained diminutive Communist wrist! And younger sister certainly has a fighting stance there. I wouldn't dare take her on - looks like Iron Shirt Qigong. The bullets would just bounce off.
  • I also believe they intend lull you into a false sense of security with their CUTENESS!!!
  • They're probably like the rabbit in The Holy Grail.
  • worse!
  • Kamus, I hate to tell you this, but someone needs to: one of those is not a girl, it's a giant bug. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Or did you already know?! (omg so cute!)
  • kamus, my prediction is not promising. They'll join forces to dissolve you and your stoney greyness into a mushy pool of squidgy pinkness. Your interiors are forever compromised (for at least the next 15 years).
  • HA! Don't try to fool yourselves. You're doomed FOREVAR!! You will be always nervously looking over your shoulder waiting to see if they inflict you with grandchildren. THE ULTIMATE TORTURE MACHINES! These are upcoming stone cold Grammas you're looking at here, folks. You can tell by the pink uniforms that they're dangerous. and absolutely squeeeeeable!
  • If I knew how to do it I'd post an image of Wolof's daughter. That, plus kamus's images, would draw all of us into their web to the point that we would never escape.