February 13, 2008

Where can Miggi get some monkey underpants? Proper monkey ones with a hole for his tail, but nice and snug all the same?
  • Good shot ! But, oh dear Miggi, there's something else you need to know about what underpants are supposed to keep snug. Should we tell him ? I'm looking and looking, but I don't see no monkey-dinger hanging out, and that's my only interpretation for this passage. Pls Advise.
  • the only thing worse than icicles on your bottom are icicles in your bottom.
  • Seriously, I've been thinking about this way too much. I mean, there's kind of a little pink, pill-shaped thing in a suspicious location... could that be it? Does this story end with an essentially hinted at monkey-dinger?!?!?!?!
  • Jesus, Blue Horse, label this shit! Not Safe For Work Due To Possible Monkey Penis.
  • You people are PREVERTS!!!
  • The Underpants Monkey. He he he...
  • "Oh no, he couldn't do that. Then everyone in the whole town would know about his bare bottom and come to stare at it." Yeah, 'cause everybody didn't know before. I hope this story doesn't start a trend of kids asking librariand for their underpants. 'Cause that could cause some wacky misunderstandings.
  • I thought it was a great story, GramMa- with a surprise ending, really, 'cause I expected he'd be wearing a pair of y-fronts backward at the conclusion.
  • "y-fronts" question 1: did you make that word up, or have I lived all these years and never heard it....? Statement 1: I was sort of hoping he would go for the "girl pants" and this story could have taken a whole different direction....
  • Previously on MonkeyFilter.
  • I'm confused, because fish tick asked me on the blog and my sarcasmometer is being repaired right now: do you want me to put a NSFW tag on this?
  • I want you to put a NSFWDTPMP on it. Pretty please.
  • Oh, and I don't *do* saracasm.
  • He's from Betelgeuse.
  • I didn't want a NSFW tag - cartoonish monkey weewee is fine for work, surely? I was just ratting on GramMa.
  • I, for one, am sick and tired of the endless stream of pornographic and near-pornographic materials that BlueHorse (aka GramMa) has been posting her in the last several months. I demand that it stop, and that she be permanently banninated.
  • (Oh, wait. Sorry, she hasn't been posting those things, she's just been e-mailing them to me. I'll handle this with her privately)
  • ...and butts might fly out of my monkeys.
  • Monkeyfilter: Not Safe For Work Due To Possible Monkey Penis
  • Fuck, I'm getting that tattooed.
  • Assuming a standard gender ratio, this site is already 50% monkey penis.
  • I have one for a keychain.
  • Say, ladies...if all you've ever had is 50% of a monkey penis, call 364-5789, ask for WoodyMonkey, and hook up with a monkey that's 100%+....!
  • YOU PREVERTS HAVE POOPED ON MY POST! There's a nasty email WITHOUT nekked ladies coming at YOU, RTD, real quick!
  • MonkeyFilter: This site is already 50% monkey penis. Someone's been SLACKING! Too busy emailing RTD pr0n, I guess.
  • It's funny that the day after I posted that comment, I had an influx of new Viagra spambot members.
  • Wouldn't it be terrible if he got icicles on the behind ! You people have missed the whole point of this lovely children's tail tale. Yes, but trac, did your old members want to jump on the Viagra boat.
  • Pair? Perhaps TUM should weigh in.
  • I thought we referred to two-legged garments as pairs because of the two-piece nature of hose and trousers in ye olden days (The Codpieczean Era). Q: What has four legs and flies? A: Two pairs of pants. Need more coffee.
  • pants.
  • feel.
  • COMFORTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • A bra is much more deserving of being called a "pair" than underpants are.
  • Y'know what has often puzzled me is that some people call a single unit of this garment "a leotard" and others as "leotards." I'm never sure which is correct, if either.
  • Q: What has four legs and flies? A; The garbageman and his helper.
  • Poor Phil.
  • RTD, that's horrible. Let us move on. Three words: Space. Monkey. Pants. or if you like: Sock. Monkey. Pants.
  • Those are adorable!
  • Wah-ah-ant.