February 11, 2008

$0.00 Airbrush = Metacafe Flash video
  • Well, the spray bottle may be repurposed, but how do you get all that other stuff without spending any money?
  • From what I can see, all of that stuff can be picked up out of bins. The tubing is the stuff out of the spritz bottle. Felt tip pens are lying around. I suppose most people who make stuff will have material like this lying around their job rooms etc. YMMV. It doesn't actually seem any better than the little mouth-sprayer things we used in art college, two little tubes at right angle. I forget the name of 'em. I suppose the nozzle allows some variation on the spray, but you could do that to the old ones too with some attachment.
  • ...or I could just dig around in my basement and get out my old Badger (badger badger*) airbrush, which I've had since high school, but don't use any more because I never had an air compressor. That, and for some reason air brush work - while awesome when done by a person with talent - is largely relegated in the eyes of many to hack job crap T-shirts made by people at the mall, shitty drug-, wizard- or wildlife-themed paintings on the sides of vans, and in most art and photography circles has largely been superseded by the use of digital equivalents such as Photoshop virtual brushes and alpha blending. Sad, really, because the airbrush is a really interesting tool in the hands of the right person. * mushroom mushroom GOD IT IS PERMANENTLY STUCK IN ME HEAD GET IT OUT MAKE IT STOP lol internetz
  • an interesting project in dyi, but what is it about this that you can't do with a can of spraypaint from the hardware store (without, I might add, the danger of sucking paint into your mouth, which is exactly what an idiot like me would do!)???? But, it did make me want to run a hose from a paint can into my 5 hp powerwasher and see if that would work......!
  • "what is it about this that you can't do with a can of spraypaint from the hardware store?" Avoid paying.
  • > the little mouth-sprayer things we used in art college, two little tubes at right angle. I forget the name of 'em. I was thinking of that device too. Can't think of, or find, the name.
  • Why does the paint container need to be pressure-fed? Wouldn't gravity feed or Bernoulli-effect suction from the moving air be enough to make it spray?
  • "Can't think of, or find, the name." I think we might have called it a mouth atomiser or mouth sprayer.
  • The tubing is the stuff out of the spritz bottle. I don't think it is - I've never seen a spray bottle with that amount of tubing. It'd have to be a much taller bottle than normal. And the tubing in spray bottles is nowhere near that flexible.
  • Am I the only one who thought it did a crappy job? You get what you pay for...
  • Yeah, the overspray was horrible. And since you'd still have to buy the actual paint, and spray paint is 99 cents a can, would you really be any better off?
  • 99 cents a can? Not on my planet.
  • The video is cool, though.
  • the tubing looked like air hose from aquariums...
  • I think we might have called it a mouth atomiser or mouth sprayer. We used to call it a diffuser, if I'm thinking of the same thing
  • These things?
  • I haven't used or even thought of them in over 20 years. How odd
  • mouth atomizer also brings up GIS hits. Must be a transpondian thing. Actually, I don't think I even knew what they were called back in art college. I think I called them "those tubey spray thingies that can be turned into a hash pipe."
  • Yes dng, diffuser was what we called it.