February 07, 2008

I am the condom friend ever useful to you! [YouTube]
  • Holy shit.
  • What the fuck did I just watch.
  • A theatrical masterpiece little buddy.
  • Finally! A PSA you can DANCE to! Seriously, I loves me some Bollywood musical.
  • Oh, that cute, shy cartoon condom... Odd, the emphasis on 'it protects YOU' for both of the sexes, but never a 'it helps protect your partner'. Or at least I didn't notice that.
  • I am glad they repeatedly pointed out the number one reason people do not use condoms: not enough variety in scent.
  • Of course! It's a hassle, getting lemon-scented ones.
  • we otter make our own...
  • I'll bileive it when I see it.
  • Wow. It's a shock to find out that gay people need to use condoms. I'll make sure to put a post on myspace.
  • damn, i only lasted a minute and a half.
  • I only made it to 4 and a half myself.
  • Goodness! they even had the female condom which hardly ever gets a mention (well, I haven't seen it advertised).
  • Holy snapping turtle droppings! This is a masterpiece. My gob is smacked! Now I understand the whys and wherefores re: when requiring telephonic technical assistance from my ISP, the call is answered by an Indian accented voice. This voice proceeds to wade through a list of thorough and repetitive questions (answered at length) followed by equally thorough and repetitive instructions (listened to at length). The guy is Paul, he's in Mumbai, and I'm hissing expletives like a tea kettle on the boil. That guy in Mumbai named Paul does a THOROUGH job. Them Indian dudes/dudettes REALLY understand how to get the message across! Note: Paul in Mumbai is a Christian and drinks Laphroaig (Islay Single Malt Whiskey. Always use caps there folks), when he can get it. And you need several large belts of Laphroaig before you make any attempt to absorb the thoroughly instructive Nirodh song and/or to truly appreciate it's thoroughly innovative choreography. <3s Gomichild.
  • Ohhhhhhhhhh Kaaaaaaaayy