January 27, 2008
Pretty kitties, tusks, and more!
Traditionally, the Big Five of Africa were the most ferocious mammals hunters tried to kill. Now safari-goers are more likely to shoot with a camera. But there are other ways to encounter the Big Five.
1. Elephant biltong (that's jerky to some of us).
2. Suicide by Lions -- don't get your lady pregnant, or this might happen to you.
3. Cape Buffalos are usually in a herd, but sometimes you'll meet the Dagga Boy.
4. Dead Rhino at your local Mormon University museum.
5. Leopards -- here kitty, kitty.
Q) So which of the BIG FIVE is the deadliest? A) Previously -- if you haven't watched this 'til the end, you'll never know who wins. I was inspired to post this because I visited Kruger National Park in June.
The lion link is missing; post it in a comment and I'll edit the link.
oops -- thanks for catching it http://tinyurl.com/3e4eww
Hippos are considered by many to be Africa's most deadly animal.
Welcome to the Monkey House, metaflippant!
Thanks. I only made one mistake so far. Nice to meet you all.
awesome post. I too had heard that hippos were most dangerous but I am certainly willing to give the cape buffalo all the respect and personal space it desires :D
Hippos go apeshit, yo. I saw one charge a keeper out of a bushy enclosure, it was like a barreling 2-ton hurtling tub of death.
Monkeyfilter: a barreling 2-ton hurtling tub of death.
I really like "tub of death"
I can certainly think of worse ways to go than death by lion; sounds like it was really quick. (But if I miss work tomorrow from lack of sleep due to being afraid a leopard is going to jump into bed with me, will you write me a note, metaflipper?)
JERRY: It's like when I think of dying. You know how I would like to die? YOUNGER ANNIE: No, how? JERRY: I'd like to get torn apart by wild animals. ALVY'S VOICE: Heavy! Eaten by some squirrels.
I think the hippo is a beautiful animal, personally.
I've had this discussion before at my old place of work. We decided death my mega-forna would be OK. Better than being taken out by a gang of punk-assed squirrels or something.
The interesting evolutionary tree of hippos.
MOG< Hanmk, that is mega-squee. Some say the world will end in lions, Some say in squirrels. From what cats I've had me eye on, I hold with those who favor lions. But if twice I had to leave the world, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction squirrels Are also great And would suffice.
))) TUM!
Dear Underpants Monster's Employer, As a certified sleep specialist in the country of Nigeria, I regret to inform you that U.M. will be unable to attend work anytime in the near future. There is a distinct possibility of a leopard attack, and U.M. must remain awake to prevent it. And although not members of the so-called Big Five, there are worries regarding hippos and squirrels as well. Please excuse U.M. with proper remuneration. Yours truly, Dr. (cough) Flippa
All that remained of him was a piece of skull and his spinal cord. Oh. Jesus.
a piece of skull. like, not even the whole thing.
And what's up with leaving the spinal cord, anyway? THAT's the worst-tasting part of the human body?
All those dangerous, savage animals in the wild. That's why research must continue! sorry
Well done, metaflippant, Hank, and TUM. More hippo squeeeeeeeee!
*tunes banjo
*plays "Dueling Hippos"
I never knew baby hippos were so cute!
Another reason MonkeyF is superior to MetaF: postability of inline hippo photos! Can we embed video? On preview, no. Damn. This 'ill have to do.
Hehee, that was a bit o' fun!
Lovely, lovely hippos!
P.S. You can tell that one is enjoying him teef brushing.