January 01, 2008
Your Daily WTF:
Hallelujah (possibly NSFW).
I think that's as good a way to start the new year as any.
Damn, I want some tips from their grantwriter.
...possibly? The wagging feather dusters are etched forever on my brain.
I never could quite get my feather duster to wag like that
perhaps they're just happy to see us?
This is the greatest.
I dunno Queso, can they see us?
They sense our presence. The feather dusters give them abilities some might consider to be unnatural.
I would have thought the dusters would go in the other way to be of any use.
You've been to too many Roman orgies, Capt.
Bring on the boar's tripe fried in aurochs dripping!
anal massage with the fan-lads OK I'll give it up now- no angry calls or emails please
Now that there was a life-affirming video if there ever was one! When they're done, I wish they'd come to my house--I've got plenty of dusting to be done!
Candy Time!
I wonder if the Swiffer® marketing guys are scurrying to catch up?
Smooth, Creamy, Delicious
Well, I don't need any milk, but what do you have in the way of a Havarti?
Ninja The Final Duel
Pest Control
Mr. Cream of Wheat
Your daily fix
The dancing's nice, anyway.
Clown Urinal
Can't pee; clown'll eat me. Can't pee; clown'll eat me.
Mini-Me Sex Tape Conclusive Proof That Our Civilization Is Doomed
When Fetishes Collide
Your Daily WTF: Starfish Hitler
I lost my heart to a Starfish Hitler.
BREAKING: Conservatives Unequal to Task of Defying Starfish Hitler
Goddammit, Japan: Kodai Shojou Dogu-chan
WTF video of the day: naked guy transforms into human bale of hay
Oh Hey, It's a Naked Man on a Scooter, Carrying a Crucifix