March 18, 2004

"Nessie on the Web" site reveals the truth IS out there!

Thrilling photos and exciting scientific evidence are awfully eye opening.
  • i love the loch ness monster legend, i'd love for it to be true. well... as long as we don't capture the poor thing and experiment on it. have i watched too many sci-fi movies...? cool links tofu-man, thanks.
  • Aye, yes, come to sour-dour Scotland, have some whisky, and have some more, laddie, then take pictures of indiscernable objects, and call 'em Nessie. Ach, for evidence let us have pleiosaurus poop, or something a trifle more substantial than this Scotchbotch missed-the-mark stuff.
  • And don't forget to stop by the Nessie shop and buy a bunch of cheap Nessie crap that was made in China...
  • ya'll know they're takin' the piss on this, right?
  • yes, doh! but i do love these sorts of legends and i do wish one of them would turn out to be true, it would be a total scream :-D
  • Sorry to take the fire out of this evidence but the first photo is just 2 guys carrying a sail bag to a boat hidden behind the dock. However, the sturgeon idea I can believe, even the young ones are massive.
  • Dang, that fish looks like good eatin', Testy Cod! Um. That didn't quite come out the way I expected it to. But I don't see how I can change it for the better.
  • Bah humbug. There ain't no such thing as the Loch Ness monster, there ain't enough fish in the lake to support even a small population of whateverthehellyouthinkitis.
  • There ain't no such thing as the Loch Ness monster, there ain't enough fish in the lake to support even a small population of whateverthehellyouthinkitis. They live off tourists and suicides, I heard.
  • That first pic is clearly three people standing in a row on the jetty. The middle person is bending down towards the water, the other two standing upright. However, this site doesn't seem to have been updated in about 3 years and I'm pretty sure they were taking the piss with the monster stuff. The lake and surrounds are beautiful enough as they are. Why is this tourist mongering monster twaddle perpetuated?
  • It's not just Loch Ness, you know. Don't forget Bessie, or Caddy!
  • You guys are really hurting nessie with your comments , monsters have feelings too you know.
  • Then there's Mucky, Messie, and Tessie; Lake Norman, Lake Merritt, and Lake Rath... (no, sorry, not that one)... the Inkanyamba, the Ogopopo, and the Afanc, and then these... *collapses sobbing and is gently led away by men in white coats*
  • I heard Nessie travels through tunnels to some German lake where there's lots of gold and stuff buried. Probably by Capt. Nemo. I like the stories of Nessie being attracted to outboard motors/ soundwaves. Great Simpsons episode too.
  • And there's all these little guys, too.
  • I loved The Family Ness.
  • *Sends flashboy a thistle-whistle*
  • I sure as hell ain't gonna pay no lochness monsta no three fifty.
  • And there's all these little guys, too. Where's Scary Ness? and Posh Ness?
  • "Takin' the piss," eh? I wondered why that Nessie smelled so bad.