December 20, 2007

Robert Kraft has never been on an airplane. He avoids elevators at all costs, lest he get stuck in one. He refuses to leave Miami's South Beach - save for a doctor's appointment or an occasional Marlins game. And he hasn't missed his daily run since Jan. 1, 1975. Robert Kraft is a Streak Runner.
  • I was thinking something totally different.
  • lookidat, lookidat
  • Streak Runner, coyote's after you. Streak Runner, if he catches you, you're through.
  • Needless to say, this kind of thing can put a crimp or two in a person's style. "It has limited my life," Kraft admits. "I'm a prisoner of routine, but I've become comfortable with it." I've thought about trying this, but that right there is a trade-off I'm not at all willing to make. This guy's been running roughly eight miles a day since 4.5 months before I was born. How do your legs let you do that? Common wisdom is you shouldn't do more than four runs a week, if you're putting on serious distance. You got to let shit recover down there.
  • crazy comes in all forms, huh?
  • H'it's like our ancestors trotting daily over the savannah in a life-or-death struggle with the wildebeest, innit? Only with better shoes, of course. Us, not the wildebeest
  • OCD's definitely on the same continuum as panic disorder with agoraphobia.
  • Monkeyfilter: You got to let shit recover down there.
  • H'it's like our ancestors trotting daily over the savannah in a life-or-death struggle with the wildebeest, innit? Previously, btw.
  • MonkeyFilter: Us, not the wildebeest.
  • Tramps like us, baby we were born to run.
  • Bruce Dern runs every day. I wonder if he qualifies.
  • Is he silent?
  • Ha!